Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DD 8000 Doctoral Dissertation Үшінші курс 8 240 0 8 0
Course Descriptions
PhD, Assos. Prof. Gülimjan Jılkıbay

The main results of the doctoral thesis must be presented in at least one publication and (or) at a scientific and practical conference. The dissertation is defended in accordance with the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the university.



Discussion, debate, problem-based methods, scientific research, academic writing

1Using the acquired theoretical knowledge in various forms of scientific research activities, they can analyze the main problems of the history and philosophy of science and current development trends.
2In the framework of academic honesty, he can write, design, conduct, compare and work with scientific databases, scientific publications, and use their products in accordance with scientific ethics.
3Systematically understands the features of empirical research methods and skills used in the professional field and applies them in scientific research.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Academic writing techniquesпрезентация
2Academic writing techniquesпрезентация
3Academic writing techniquesЖазбаша
4Scientific researchпрезентация
5Scientific researchАуызша
6Scientific researchЖазбаша
7Data processingЖазбаша
8Data processingtest
9Data processingЖазбаша
13Writing a diploma/dissertationЖазбаша
14Writing a diploma/dissertationпрезентация
15Writing a diploma/dissertationЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Matthias Karmasin, Rainer Ribing, Bilimsel Çalışma Yöntemleri: Lisans, Yüksek Lisans, Doçentlik Tezleri Nasıl Yazılır?, Yayın odasıYayıncılık, 2017.