Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ChKDBCS 3218 Syntax of Simple Sentence of Modern Kazakh Language Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshanova N.D.

The syntax of a simple sentence in the modern Kazakh language for the formation is clear, on this issue the deepening of the theoretical knowledge gained. Formation of the students' concept of syntax as a high level of the language system, syntactic connections, syntactic relations, connection, subordination, syntaxeme, valence, word combination, grammatical meanings, predicativity, semantic meanings of sentences, categories of modality, etc. Syntax of a simple sentence of the modern Kazakh language continuation of the course "Modern Kazakh language" (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology), part of this course. Own syntax objects and even problems of continuity in syntax according to modern views are considered by innovations of a phrase and a simple sentence

Syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Kazakh language

Scientific word formation of the modern Kazakh language

1. The method of working with the group.
2. The method of language analysis.
3. the method of critical thinking.
4. the method of brainstorming.
5. the method of structural analysis 
6. the method of developing learning 
7. the method of increasing professionalism.

1knows the theory of the subject syntax of the modern Kazakh language;
2practically applies the knowledge and skills acquired on the subject of the syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Kazakh language
3is able to sort scientific information; proves his point of view on the science of the syntax of the modern Kazakh language based on the appeal to ideas
4Uses knowledge, methods and means of training and self-control for their intellectual development, cultural development, professional competence, health, moral and physical self-improvement;
5Is able to plan the educational process and apply the methodology and basic theories of education in its implementation;
6Understands the social significance and meaning of his profession.
7can determine the theoretical foundations of the modern Kazakh language, its place in the system of general education sciences.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of syntax, understanding it. 1. The meaning of the term syntax. The object, the content of the syntax subject. 2. Syntactic persons, their types: communicative grammatically independent syntactic persons, syntactic entities without grammatical independence as a structural element 3. Modern research directions of syntax and its objects: phrase, sentence, complex sentences, syntactic integrity. 4. The concept of syntactic system and syntactic norm.Ауызша
2Definition of the phrase. phrases that have only the grammatical meaning of words. 2. Free phrases, stable phrases, limited phrases, their difference, method of formation, attitude to the syntax of phrases.Ауызша
3Grammatical forms of the phrase 1 Components of a phrase, their forms of connection. Formation of each form of communication of the phrase. 2 Phrases expressed by nouns, features of their formation 3. Formation of adjective phrasesСөздік
4The specifics of the formation of verb phrases 1 verb phrases related to each other by agreement 2 verb phrases related to management 3 conditions for the functioning of a phrase for communicative purposesАуызша
5The main members of the proposal. The relationship between the subject and the predicate is about predicativity, their activity in the construction 1 Subjects, its form, education, types of simple, complex subjects. 2 Predicates, its form, education, types: simple, complex predicates. 3 Agreement of the subject and predicate.Ауызша
6Minor members. Clarifying and homogeneous members of the sentence. Their form, types 1 Circumstance, its form, education, types 2 Supplement, its form, education, types 3 Definition, its form, education, typesСөздік
7Sentence members expressed by stable combinations in the Kazakh language The main members of the sentence expressed by stable combinations Minor terms expressed by stable combinations.Сөздік
8A simple sentence, the grammatical nature of a simple sentence, definition, semantics inherent in a simple sentence. 1 logical and grammatical types of sentences 2 the principle of recognizing grammatical forms of a simple sentenceАуызша
9Semantic types of sentences. Two-main proposals. Their place in the offer system 1 negative sentences, their construction. 2 Binomial sentencesАуызша
10One-part sentences. 1 nominal sentences, their composition, types, features of use 2 Personal, impersonal types of offers 3 Making impersonal offersСөздік
11Types of sentences for the purpose of pronunciation: narrative sentence, its grammatical character.Ауызша
12Incentive and exclamation sentences, features of their construction.Ауызша
13Address, place, use in the syntax of the Kazakh language Address, introductory words. Ways of his participation in the construction of proposals.Ауызша
14Surcharges in the syntax of the Kazakh language, their relation to the basic grammatical system 1 surcharges in the syntax of the Kazakh language 2 Subtraction operation (aperture), functioningСөздік
15Linguistic and cultural aspects of the syntax of the Kazakh language, structure and semantics of sentencesСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ jay söylem sïntaksïsi. Oqw quralı, Türkistan, 2018.
2Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi sïntaksïstik paradïgmalar. – Almatı: Memlekettik tildi damıtw ïnstïtwtı, 2016
3Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi turaqtı tirkesterdiñ sïntaksïstik qızmeti. Oqw quralı. Türkistan, 2017
4Jılqıbaeva M.S. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ sïntaksïsi. Oqw quralı, Almatı: «Évero», 2022