Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BRM 4221 Bioindikation Research Methods Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.T.Meirbekov

The discipline forms knowledge about bioindication as a subsystem of biological monitoring, bioindicator organisms, levels and methods of bioindication. The discipline contributes to the knowledge of the main sources of anthropogenic pollution of natural environments and bioindicator organisms, with the help of which it is possible to quickly record negative changes in the environment, the composition, properties and mechanisms of action of the main pollutants of the biosphere, their content and ways of entering the environment



1. Working in a group

2 Critical thinking

3. Creative search

4. Reproductive method

5.Project-based learning


1RTD-1- Applies knowledge of biological indication in practice
2RTD-1- Knows and can evaluate the path of bioindication research
3RTD-3- Knows and can evaluate the path of bioindication research
4RTD-4- Able to work in a research team to carry out bioindication studies;
5RTD-5- Can conduct laboratory and field experimental research related to bioindication research;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of bioindication. Purpose and objectives. Areas of application of bioindication. The development and current state of the doctrine of plant indicatorsАуызша
2Environmental fundamentals of bioindication. Tolerance range of different organisms. Eurybiontic and stenobiont species. The concept of bioindication. Bioindicators. Comparison standards used in bioindicating anthropogenic environmental factors. Special (specific) and non-specific (non-specific) bioindication.Жазбаша
3Bioindication patterns at different levels of Organization of living matter. Indicator signs of plant cover (Floristic, physiological ,morphological, anatomical).Ауызша және жазбаша
4Basic principles of applying bioindication methods. Bioindication methods. Requirements for bioindication. Passive and active monitoring. Indicative methods for determining environmental pollution.test
5Study of pollution of internal reservoirs by bioindication methods. Hydrobiological methods for determining pollution of internal reservoirs, classification of aquatic organisms. Contamination scale by indicator taxon and river water quality classes.Ауызша
6Research of pollution of internal reservoirs by bioindicational methods. Radioactivity and methods used in their indication.Ауызша
7Levels of biological indication. Biochemical and physiologyreactions related to anthropogenic stressors.Жазбаша
8Influence of anthropogenic factors. Morphological features of organisms under the influence of anthropogenic factors, deviations of indicators of bioavailability, behavior from the norm.презентация
9Chorological and population-dynamic changes caused by anthropogenic stressors. Classification of physical and chemical stressors. Anthropogenic stressors influence on the nature of distribution.Сөздік
10The influence of anthropogenic factors on the dynamics of biogeocenoses. Influence of anthropogenic factors on primary producers. The reaction of phytocenoses to anthropogenic disorders. Phytocenosis parameters. Quantitative assessment of the anthropogenicity shown to phytocenoses.Ауызша
11Areas of application of bioindication. Application of bioindication in monitoring the state of the environment. Bioindication of air pollution. Main gaseous substances polluting the air basin. The effect of air pollution on the life of organisms.Ауызша
12Areas of application of bioindication. Application of bioindication in monitoring the state of the environment. Bioindication of soil pollution. Causes of soil pollution.Жазбаша
13The importance of bioindication in protecting endangered organisms. Rationing and indicative parameters. The degree of anthropogenic impact of changes in the parameters of bioindicators. Bioindication of intensive reproduction of harmful animals. Mass reproduction of pathogenic organisms.Жазбаша
14The main test systems for detecting environmental pollutants and assessing their mutagenic properties. The main test systems for detecting environmental pollutants and assessing their mutagenic properties.Ауызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Bioindication and bioindication methods: Training manual. - Taraz: printing house' Tigu'. - 2017. Uysimbayeva Zh. T. , Sarbasova G. A
2Ecology. Textbook. Ed. 16-E.additional and revised 2015. V.I.Korobkin, L.V.Peredelsky
3Forms of Biotechnology. Educational and methodical manual / G. I. Isaev , A. T. Musabekov, E. K. Ibragimova. - Turkestan: Turan, 2021 . - 536 P.
4The ecology of culture in the formation of a modern picture of the world. Collection.monograph, -Almaty:IFPR of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014 Z.K.Shaukenova [idr.]
5Fundamentals of environmental expertise and rationing : a training manual. / Ospanova A. K., Kalieva A. B., Sharipova A. K.; Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2014. - 86 P./ / Ospanova, A. K. etc