Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AZhST 3394 Theory of special and general relativity Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Phd, associate professor Sh.Zh. Ramankulov

The purpose of the subject: to introduce modern concepts of space, time and motion, to form an understanding of the basics of the theory of special and general relativity and the boundaries of its application. Introduction to the principles of relativistic physics and the mathematical apparatus used in it.



1. Narration

2. Exchange of opinions

3. Problem methods

4. Discussion

5. Professional skills training

11. Can use molecular physics calculations in professional activities.
22. Reveal the essence of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon, analyze the change in thermodynamic parameters occurring in real processes, and use the statistical method.
33. Knows how to use a computer and compile conclusions of statistical processing of experimental results in the form of a reliable interval.
44. Demonstrates the laws of molecular physics in formulating phenomena and making calculations.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Week Lecture: Basic concepts. Time synchronization. Seminar: Kinematics of a point of matter. Dynamics of a point of matter.
22. Week Lecture: Postulates of Special Comparative Theory (SCT). Seminar: Dynamics of the system of matter points. Laws of conservation.
36. Week Lecture: Relativistic Lagrangian Seminar : Lagrangian function.
47. Week Lecture: Energy and momentum. Equations of motion. Seminar: Dynamics of Special Relativity.
58. Week Lecture: Metric tensor. Vector 4 Seminar: Nether Theorem. Momentum-energy tensor.
69. Week Lecture: Relativistic slowing down of time. Seminar: Relativistic dynamics of free particles.
710. Week Lecture: Independence of the speed of light from the movement of the light source. Seminar: Addition of velocities in relativistic mechanics.
811. Week Lecture:Gravity. Seminar: Gravitational field in non-relativistic mechanics.
912. Week Lecture: Basic principles of the general theory of relativity. Seminar: Additional Principles of General Relativity.
1013. Week Lecture: Experimental foundations of the theory of general relativity. Seminar : Classical experiments on testing the theory of general relativity.
1114. Week Lecture: Gravitational field in relativistic theory. Seminar: Gravitational field in relativistic mechanics.
1215. Week Lecture: Elements of cosmology. Current problems of the theory of gravity. Seminar: Kepler's Problem in General Relativity.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. V. B. Rystygulova Mechanics. Educational tool. - 2017.
22. A. Kh. Sarybaeva. Mechanics course. Educational tool. - 2018
33. S.I. Isataev, A.S. Askarov, S.A. Bolegenova, etc. Mechanics: General physical practice. 2nd ed., corrected, supplemented.. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2015.
44. K. S. Crane, N. A. Majenov, J. T. Kambarova. Modern physics. Educational tool. 2014.
55. A. K. Yeraliev Laboratory works on the physical foundations of mechanics: Educational and methodological tool. / - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2016. - 166 p.
66. B.T. Dosaeva, K.S. Dyusebayeva, G. Nurbakyt, G.A. Usabaeva. Physical practice: Educational and methodological tool. 2018.
77. G. A. Shadinova Philosophy and history of science. Lecture collection. 2015.