English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АТВК 1201 Introduction to English Linguistics Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Makenova Gaukhar Tanirbergenovna

Introduction to English Linguistics with all its peculiarities and features, scopes and the stages of language acquisition. In this course, students are provided with general overview of English linguistics,  its relation to other disciplines. The main principles of English linguistics are discussed. Students will also learn about classification of world languages; language structure in general; scopes of linguistics, problems of learning second language.



1. work in group, work in pair
2. creative thinking
3. Brainstorming
4. Notetaking techniques
5. Modular teaching technology
6. TBL-Task based learning

11. Acquires theoretical knowledge about the function, nature, and various aspects and features of the theoretical aspect of linguistics;
22. Gets acquainted with the content of the main directions, concepts and theories of modern language education, learn to perceive the theoretical aspect of linguistics from a historical point of view;
33. Develops professional theoretical and linguistic thinking skills;
44. Develops communication skills in society and professional environment, acquires knowledge in Kazakh, Russian, English, communication technology, pedagogical rhetoric;
55. Implements skills and abilities within the framework of constructive dialogue;
66. Uses oral, written and extralinguistic forms of communicative speech activity using modern information and pedagogical technologies;
77. Understands and implements alternative translation, written and oral translation technology, types in the context of interlingual communication;
88. Conducts research in the fields of literary studies and philology and linguistics;
99. Can compare and contrast foreign literature and Kazakh literature, studies and analyzes;
1010. Masters to perform literary and stylistic analysis of the work;
1111. Uses the main principles, directions and ideas of the methodology of teaching literature, foreign language and literature, and uses new methods and modern technologies in their teaching;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical An introduction to linguistics Objected Language and its elements. Forms of language.
2Theoretical Relation of Linguistics to other sciences Objected Relation of Linguistics to other sciences
3Theoretical Phonetics and phonology Objected The sound system of language
4Theoretical Morphology Objected The structure of words. Word Formation
5Theoretical Syntax Objected Ordering words, making sentences
6Theoretical Semantics Objected Relationships among words
7Theoretical Sociolinguistics as a branch of Linguistics Objected The relationship between language and society
8Theoretical English dialects Objected Major groups of English dialects
9Theoretical The stages of language acquisition Objected The role of mother tongue in second language acquisition
10Theoretical Difficulties in learning language Objected Psycholinguistics. Neurolinguistics
11Theoretical The evolution of writing Objected The evolution of writing
12Theoretical Genetic classification of languages Objected Genetic classification of languages
13Theoretical Typological classification of languages Objected Typological classification of languages
14Theoretical Brief history of English Objected English language and its development stages
15Theoretical English as a world language Objected Importance of learning English
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1An introduction to language and linguistics. 2015 Fasold F.W., Research Methods in Psycholinguistics and the Neurobiology of Language: A Practical Guide, by Wiley, 2017.
2General English linguistics. Urazbaev K.B., Karakulova U., Kasymbekova A. Educational manual. Turkestan: Turan, 2018.