Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATK 3306 Stages of the Literary Language Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Candidate of philological Sciences, senior lecturer S. Magzhan

Изучает связь предмета истории казахского литературного языка с другими дисциплинами, историю становления, источники развития казахского литературного языка, этапы развития казахского литературного языка. Формирует знания и умения о казахском литературном языке ХV века, истории казахского литературного языка ХІХ веков, истории казахского литературного языка ХХ века, литературном языке и национальной культуре, статусе литературного языка, нормах литературного языка.

Along with the practical orientation, the course implements educational and educational goals, contributing to the 
improvement of their general culture and education.


Motivation to learn a language

Scientific word formation of the modern Kazakh language

1. Teamwork
2. critical thinking
3. brainstorming
4. case study
5. the method of developing learning 
6. poster protection
7. the method of group project work

11. explains the acquired knowledge about the history of the development of the Kazakh literary language, applies knowledge and skills in practice;
22. defines the Kazakh literary language;
33. scientists-researchers of the literary language conduct a professional analysis of works, norms of the literary language at the stages of its development;
44. uses various methods and techniques in the application of knowledge, uses new technologies;
55. demonstrates skills, complementing the acquired knowledge, analyzes exercises;
66. theorizes the stages of development of the history of the Kazakh literary language, summarizes knowledge about the current trends in the development of the Kazakh literary language.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The nature of the literary language and its object.Ауызша
2Principles of division of the history of the Kazakh language into epochs, stages of development of the literary language.Ауызша
3The language of monuments of ancient Turkic languages.Сөздік
4Kazakh literary language of the XV-XVII centuries.Ауызша
5The works of Kadyrgali Jalairi 'Jamig at-comrade'.Ауызша
6Kazakh literary language from the XVIII to the first half of the XIX century .Сөздік
7The role of the school of poets in the development of the literary language.Сөздік
8Kazakh literary language of the 2nd half of the XIX century.Ауызша
9The influence of people of the educational and democratic direction on the development of the Kazakh literary language in the 2nd half of the XIX century.Ауызша
10I. Altynsarin's place in the development of the Kazakh literary language.Сөздік
11Abai and the Kazakh literary language of modern times.Ауызша
12Kazakh writing (alphabet problem), the process of normalization of the vocabulary of the Kazakh literary language.Ауызша
13Kazakh literary language of the early twentieth century .Ауызша
14Kazakh literary language since the 20s of the twentieth century.Сөздік
15M. Auezov and the Kazakh literary language.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11 - R. drew.History of the Kazakh literary language (XV-XIX centuries), 2015
22 Yz R. drew. Words speak, 2015.
33 history of the Kazakh literary language. 2020. S. Magzhan, Zh. I. Isaeva. Study guide
44 history of the Kazakh literary language. Collection of multi-volume works. Textbook. 2014 / R. fig.
51 historical and linguistic basis of Altaic studies. (Phonetics. Morphology.) Almaty, 2015. Zh. Tuimebayev, Sagidolda