Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATBD 2203 Basic Foreign Language in the Context of Intercultural Communication Екінші курс 5 150 0 2 0
Course Descriptions
Konysova Saltanat

The purpose of the discipline “Basic Foreign Language in the context of intercultural communication ” is to teach students to communicate in a foreign language on an intercultural level, based on knowledge, business and personal qualities formed on the basis of communicative competencies. It is aimed at practical development of the basics of oral and written communication within the scope and situations of communication provided. This course is aimed at developing students' thinking in intercultural communication, teaching oral communication in a foreign language at an intercultural level in language communication. Gets general knowledge about customs, prohibitions, beliefs and traditions of different cultures.


English Language (B2 level)

1. narration
2. listening and speaking
3. question-answer
4. discussion
5. problem methods.

1Forms listening and speaking, reading and writing skills by improving grammatical, phonetic, lexical knowledge
2Conducts phonetic, morphematic, syntactic and component analysis; forms practical and professional qualifications
3Explains the theoretical aspect of linguistics from a historical point of view.
4collects knowledge about the content of the main directions, schools, concepts and theories of modern language education
5Forms communication skills, the necessary knowledge about the main laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms
6uses specific methods of effective communication and learns communication skills.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Pitfalls of Biography Writing Writing a autobiography Lost and Found: describing objectsЖазбаша
2Identity: Our Inner Self Related Talents Travel situationsАуызша және жазбаша
3Education: Cheating At School And University The Whys and Hows of Cheating More Students Are Cheating, More Colleges Are Fighting Back Make up your mind: decision makingАуызша
4Are we Living a Healthy Life? The New Wave Vegetarianism: a path to living healthily? Problems in the hometest
5Discovering Yourself Through Discovering The World. Adventure Travel. World’s Seven Wonders Impressions: Talking about memoryАуызша және жазбаша
6Consumerism: The New Drug of Shopping Addicted to the Mall Palm Desert Mall: Where Dreams Come True! Making a polite complaintest
7Manners Make Man The History of Etiquette. Proper Table Manners. Truth and lies: reporting a conversationАуызша және жазбаша
8Mass Media: Power For Good Or Evil? Multimedia and virtual reality Exchanging newsАуызша және жазбаша
9Charmed by the Written Word The Invention of Printing Polite requeststest
10The World of Work What Employers Are Looking for in a Job Interview Indirect questionsАуызша
11Significance of Traditions The History of holidays Looking back: criticizing past actions.Ауызша және жазбаша
12The Past Shapes the Future How well do you know history? Acts of kindness and Braverytest
13Language as a Cultural Value 1054 Languages Dying out as the World GlobalizesАуызша және жазбаша
14In the News. React to the news. Evaluate options and choose one.Жазбаша
15Local news. Using Passives. Revision testsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1English for Cross-Cultural and Professional Communication. A Textbook. Moscow FLINTA 2015 Oksana Y. Danchevskaya, Alexey V. Malyov
2Unlimited English Intermediate Coursebook, David Rea & Theresa Clementon with Alex Tilbury& Leslie Anne Hendra, Cambridge University Press, 2013
3English Phrasal verbs In Use. Intermediate. 60 Units of Vocabulary reference and practice. Self-Study and classroom use. Cambridge, 2013. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell.
4English Dialogues in 50 Situations. Study Book (оқу-әдістемелік құрал). Turkistan, 2019 Ali Evler, B.Turlybekov, M.Seitova
5English-Kazakh Dictionary. Almaty, “Kazygurt”,2018