Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
APsi 3217 Social Psychology Үшінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Iskakova P.K.

In the course of studying the discipline, students are shown the achievements of foreign and domestic social psychology in the field of theoretical and applied research. Knowledge is taught about the patterns of development and functioning of large and small groups (the phenomenon of conformism, leadership, the problem of group integrity), about the socio-psychological characteristics of personality (sociology and social orientation).



Teamwork, the method of developing learning, the method of group project work, the method of problem work, the method of mini-research, the method of increasing professionalism.

1determines the socio-psychological factors and its activities in the education of the individual and society; ; - analyzes existing problems in the context of training and development; - explains the tolerance and ability to pedagogical cooperation, communication in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society (LO9) .
2defines the features of facilitating the involvement of voluntary assistants in socio-psychological, pedagogical work; - owns forms and methods of communication with various social groups and the basics of professional leadership and demonstrates ways to manage business and personal relationships; - plans taking into account the physiology and psychological characteristics of children, observes the pedagogical tact, the rules of pedagogical ethics, respects the personality of students and adheres to a democratic style of communication with students (LO11) .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of social psychology, its place in the system of human and social sciences.
2The history of the formation of socio-psychological ideas
3The main theoretical directions of modern social psychology.
4Methods and methodology of social psychology research
5Social psychology of personality
6Socio-psychological aspects of sociology.
7Psychological mechanisms of regulation of social behavior of a person.
8Communication as a socio-psychological phenomenon.
9Socio-psychological types of communication
10The perceptual side of communication: interpersonal perception and understanding.
11Methodological problems of studying small groups in social psychology
12Genesis and development of a small group.
13Psychology of intergroup relations.
14Psychological characteristics of large social groups.
15The main directions of applied research in social psychology
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Abewova Ï.Ä., Ermekbaeva L.K. Älewmettik psïxologïya. Oqw quralı. Almatı, 2014j.
2Seytnur J.S. Sayasï psïxologïya: Oqw quralı. Almatı, 2018j.
3Mırzabekov M.M. Dindarlıq psïxologïyası. Joğarı oqw orındarınıñ bilimgerlerine arnalğan oqw-ädistemelik qural. Türkistan: Turan, 2020.
4Gulevich O.A., Sariyeva I.R. Sotsial'naya psikhologiya. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Yurayt, 2015. http://rmebrk.kz/
5Qasımova S.R. Älewmettik pedagogïka. Almatı, 2019.http://rmebrk.kz/
6Devïd G, Mayers, Jan M,Twenj. Älewmettik psïxologïya. Baspa: McGraw-Hıll Educatıon. 2014 jıl. 688 bet.
7Veraksa N.Ye. Sotsial'naya psikhologiya: Uchebnik. - M.: Akademiya, 2018. - 176 c.