Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
An 3291 Fundamentals of Agriculture Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Kaliyeva Nurziya

The discipline forms theoretical and practical knowledge of the soil and its structure, composition, properties and laws of geographical distribution, ways of effective use and improvement of agricultural crops.As a result of mastering the discipline, student demonstrates advanced theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding in the field of agrobiology, masters the skills of planning and conducting microbiological experiments in educational field and laboratory conditions, can solve the problems of effective use of biological resources.



1. Working in a group

2. Poster protection

3. Brainstorming

1LO5- Аpplies advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of biology in his professional activities.
2LO6- - Сonducts biological experiments and research in educational using modern equipment field and laboratory conditions.
3LO7 - Сompetently formulates statistics results of studies of biological objects and systems using computer programs.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Lecture Introduction. Goals, tasks. Story development of the disciplineЖазбаша
2Agriculture as a branch of production Origin and classification of soils Agricultural use of soil Fundamentals of agriculture and agrochemistry and evolutionary significanceЖазбаша
3Plant growing as a science. Field farming. Vegetable growing. Fruit growing.Жазбаша
4Breeding farm animals Farm Animal Feeding BasicsЖазбаша
5Meat and dairy production Selected livestock sectorsЖазбаша
6Features of agricultural production. Agronomy and animal science - the scientific foundations of agricultural production.Жазбаша
7Origin of the soil. The concept of soil and its fertility. Role soils in nature.Жазбаша
8Narcotic plants The importance of tobacco and shag, cultivation areas. Features of the techniques tobacco cultivation. Preparing seedlings.Жазбаша
9Less common (non-traditional) forage plants Introduction of forage plants and its importance in strengthening the food supply livestock farming Significance, feeding qualities, distribution, productivity, botanical and morphological characteristics, characteristics of growth and development.Жазбаша
10Agriculture as a branch of agricultural production and as a science about the rational use of soils and their improvement fertility. Greening of agriculture. History of the development of agriculture. Basic laws of agriculture. General requirements of cultivated plants for environmental factorsЖазбаша
11The concept of the farming system. Development of the doctrine of farming systems. Types and types of farming systems. Scientific foundations of modern farming systems.Жазбаша
12Biology of plant needs for external factors WednesdaysЖазбаша
13Concepts about weeds and weeds. Harm caused weeds. Thresholds of harmfulness. Biological characteristics of weeds. Weeds as habitat indicators. Agrobiological classification of weeds and their most important representatives. Classification of weed control methods.Жазбаша
14Plant growing as a science and branch of agricultural production. Objectives, objects and methods of crop production research. Theoretical foundations of crop production. Principles of classification cultivated plants. Industrial and botanical-biological grouping of field cropsЖазбаша
15Production of vegetable crops in open ground Vegetable growing as a branch of crop production and a scientific discipline. The importance of vegetables in human nutrition. History of development and current state of vegetable growingЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Fırsov, ı. p. ósimdik sharýashylyǵy tehnologıasy / ı. p. Fırsov, A. M. Solovev, M. f. Trıfonova. - M.: Koloss, 2006. - 471 B.
2Talanov, ı. p. Ósimdik sharýashylyǵy praktıkýmy / ı. p. Talanov. - M.: Koloss, 2008. - 278 s