Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АКТ 2105 Information and communications technologies Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
candidate of of pedagogical sc., Bayterekova N.

The purpose of the discipline is to teach the use of types of information and communication technologies in their own professional fields: internet resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, protecting, managing and distributing information, form the ability to analyze ways of collecting and transmitting information through digital technologies



report, discussion, problem-based learning methods

1explain the purpose, content and trends in the development of information and communication technologies, justify the choice of particularly effective technologies for solving specific problems;
2explain methods of information and communication processes, methods of collecting, storing and processing information;
3describe the main components and functions, the structure of computer systems and networks;
4use Mobile and cloud services, information internet resources for storing, distributing and processing information, searching;
5use hardware and software equipment of computer networks and systems for storing, processing, collecting and transmitting information;
6justification and analysis of the choice of devices and methods of Information Protection;
7use digital technologies to create data management and analysis devices for various industries;
8formation of Project Services in the specialty through the use of modern information and communication technologies.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Definition of ICT. Subject ICT and its purposes. An ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standards in the field of ICT. Communication between ICT and achievement of the objectives of a sustainable development in the Millennium Declaration
2Introduction to the computer system. Architecture of computer systems. Review of computer systems. Evolution of computersystems. Architecture and components of computersystems. Use of computer systems. Data representation in computer systems.
3Software. Operating Systems. Software. Types of the software, purpose andcharacteristic. Basic concepts of OS. Evolution ofoperating systems. Classification of operatingsystems, including for mobile devices. Classificationof desktop applications
4User interface as means of human-computerinteraction. Usability of interfaces. Types ofinterfaces: command line interface, text interface,graphic interface. Physical and mental characteristicsof the user. Development stages of the user interface.Types of testing of interfaces (testing of users).Perspectives of development of interfaces.
5Database systems. Bases of database systems: concept, characteristic, architecture. Data models. Normalization. Integrityconstraint on data. Query tuning and their processing. Fundamentals of SQL. Parallel processing of data andtheir restoration. Design and development ofdatabases. Technology of programming of ORM. Thedistributed, parallel and heterogeneous databases
6Data Analysis. Data management. Data analysis bases. Methods of collection,classification and prediction. Decision trees.Processing of large volumes of data. Methods andstages of Data mining. Tasks Data mining.Visualization of data.
7End devices, data transfer devices, transmissionmedium. Types of networks. Stack protocols:TCP/IP, OSI. IP addressing. Local and wide areanetworks. Wire and wireless network technologies.DHCP protocol. Technologies of connection to theInternet. Telecommunication technologies
8Cybersecurity. Security risks of information and their classification.Industry of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity and controlof the Internet. Malicious applications. Measures and means of information protection. Standards andspecifications in information security field. The actsof the Republic of Kazakhstan governing legalrelations in the sphere of information security. Digitalsignature. Encoding.
9Internet technologies. Basic concepts Internet. The universal identifier ofresources (URI), its assignment and components.Service DNS. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML,CSS, and JavaScript. E-mail. Message format. SMTP,POP3, IMAP protocols.
10Cloud and mobile technologies. Data centers. Tendencies of development of themodern infrastructure decisions. Principles of cloudcomputing. Technologies of virtualization. Webservice in the Cloud. Main terms and concepts ofmobile technologies. Mobile services. Standards ofmobile technologies
11Multimedia technologies. Representation text, audio, video and graphicalinformation in a digital format. Basic technologies forcompression of information. 3-D representations of the virtual world and animation. Instruments ofdevelopment of multimedia applications. Use ofmultimedia technologies for planning, descriptions ofbusiness processes and their visualization.
12Smart technology Internet of things. Big data. Technology Block Chain.Artificial intelligence. Use of Smart-services. Greentechnologies in ICT. Teleconferences. Telemedicine.
13E-technologies. Electronic business. Electronic training. Electronic government. Electronic business: Main models of electronic business. Information infrastructure of electronic business. Legal regulation in electronic business.Electronic training: architecture, structure andplatforms. Electronic textbooks. Electronic government: concept, architecture, services. Formats of implementation of the electronic government in developed countries
14Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT. The software for the solution of tasks of thespecialized professional sphere. Modern IT trends inthe professional sphere: medicine, power, etc. Use ofsearch engines and electronic resources in theprofessional purposes. Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.
15Prospects of development of ICT Prospects of development in the sphere of the ITmarket: development of the free software. Forming ofan ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and supportsmall startup of the companies. Programs ofacceleration and incubation. Development ofnecessary infrastructure of electronic payments andlogistics. Prospects of development of E-technologies.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nurpeisova T. B., Kaidash I. N. Information and communication technologies. Training manual. 2018.
2N. P. Saparkhodzhaev, G. Zh. Niyazova, U. R. Thank You. Information and communication technologies in education. Training manual. Shymkent, 2020.
3Kamalova G. A., Diyarova L. B. information security and Information Protection. Publishing house 'Almanac'. Almaty, 2019
4Kamalova G. A., A. Kh. Kasymova, Diyarova L. B. information security management. Publishing house 'Almanac'. Almaty, 2020
5Computer networks. Bekmagambetova G. M. textbook. Almaty. 2021