Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АC 2288 Analytical chemistry I Екінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Sarbaeva Gulnar Tursynbaevna

The purpose of the discipline: to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of various chemical analysis methods and teach them to apply them in practice,to develop a new analysis methodology.  With a deeper consideration of the law of interacting masses, which forms the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis, one acquires knowledge about ways to determine the chemical composition of a substance from homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. He learns to independently perform tasks of chemical analysis.

Analytical chemistry IІ

Chemistry of elements І

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, mini research method, project work method, modular learning technology

1introduces students to the theoretical foundations of various chemical analysis methods
2learns to apply the methods of analysis in practice, to develop a new methodology for analysis.
3a deeper look at the law of interacting masses, which forms the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis
4acquires knowledge about ways to determine the chemical composition of a substance from homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
5learns to independently perform tasks of chemical analysis
6considers the effectiveness of fractional and system analysis methods based on the results of the analysis;
7the ability to determine the significance of individual stages of analysis methods and consider the work as a whole;
8provides effective ways to identify a substance whose composition is unknown;
9able to use equipment and instruments of the qualitative chemical semi-microanalysis method
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1fundamentals and methods of the I discipline of Analytical Chemistry. Chemical analysis.Сұрақ-жауап
2the law of interacting masses is the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis.Жазбаша
3activity, ion activity coefficient. Ionic strength of solutions.Сұрақ-жауап
4calculation of the PH. The role of buffer solutions in Analytical Chemistry.Жазбаша
5the law of interacting masses and equilibrium in heterogeneous processes.Ауызша және жазбаша
6tincture. Solubility of the precipitate, size and nature of the precipitate.Жазбаша
7fractional sedimentation.test
8solubility. Solubility of poorly soluble compounds (tinctures).Жазбаша
9Law of reactant masses and hydrolysis processesЖазбаша
10use of redox processes in qualitative analysis.TT potentialsАуызша
11formation of colloidal systems.Ауызша және жазбаша
12the stability constant of complex compounds and its dependence on the pH of the solution.Ауызша
13anions and dry matter analysis. Grinding, analysis of solids (water-soluble or insoluble).test
14General characteristics of the drip method.Сұрақ-жауап
15methods of concentration and separation.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Sarbaeva G. T., A. E. Kydyrbaeva K. T. Sarbaeva, A. N. Zhylysbaeva Analytical Chemistry . Shymkent World Publishing House. 2018 -312 page
2Abilkanova F. zh.Analytical Chemistry.Chemical methods of analysis. 2018. - 280 P.
3Kharitonov Yu. Ya. Analytical Chemistry. Analytics 1.Generalteoriginal Data.Quality testing. The textbook. 2018.
4Chekotaeva A. N., Nurgalieva A. N. Analytical Chemistry (educational and methodological manual for independent work of students). 2014.260 P.
5Ismailova A., Zlobina E., Dolgova N. methodological instructions and tasks of laboratory work on the subject of Analytical Chemistry. Almaty: Kazakh Univ, 2012.-102 P.
6Matakova R. N., Badavamova G. L. test tasks for Analytical Chemistry: a teaching post. 2015. - 192 pp.