Стоматология (ВМ087)
Код урока Название курса Сорт Кредит Время урока Еженедельные часы занятий (теоретические) Еженедельные часы занятий (практика) Еженедельные часы занятий (лаборатория)
TN 1278 Модуль – Основы жизни 1 Бірінші курс 5 150 15 30 -
Описание курса
Imanova Dairash, Nurdinov Nursultan, Aibolova Gulnar, Tuleshova Elmira, Yerimova Aknur, Mintassova Aigul, Aimakhanov Maksat
1LO 1 - the chemical properties of chemical compounds and the main classes characteristic of a living organism show knowledge of the general energetic and kinetic laws of chemical processes in the body as they constantly develop.
2LO 2 - specialize in basic human development at the level of molecules, cells, organs and systems, learn the basic principles of using molecular-genetic methods and technologies in theoretical and practical medicine.
3LO 3- Understand important life processes such as heredity, variability, reproduction, biosynthesis, excitability, growth and development, storage and transfer of information, and energy conversion in terms of molecular biology, medical genetics and biophysics..
4LO 4 – uses interpersonal and communication skills in team work.
5LO 5 - uses modern information technologies in the use of medical information resources.
6LO 6 - learns to adhere to ethical principles in the educational process and future professional practices.
7LO 7 - master basic human development, learn to observe the principles of academic integrity in research and academic writing skills
Связь между учебной программой и результатами обучения