Стоматология (ВМ087)
Код урока Название курса Сорт Кредит Время урока Еженедельные часы занятий (теоретические) Еженедельные часы занятий (практика) Еженедельные часы занятий (лаборатория)
PAOMD 53141 Periodontal and oral mucosal diseases бесінші курс 4 120 3 5 -
Описание курса
Орыс тілі, казахский
1Train students in methods of examining patients with diseases of the oral mucosa of children and adults.
2Using the knowledge gained from clinical subjects, learn to make a complete diagnosis of the patient, identifying the main pathological symptoms and syndromes of the disease.
3Teaches the importance of complex treatment used in the treatment of patients with diseases of the oral mucosa, mandatory cooperation with surgeons, dentists and general organologists in the treatment of patients.
4Sends the results of modern instrumental laboratory and functional research methods to doctors of the healthcare system and other modern instrumental laboratory and functional research methods in the treatment of patients with somatic diseases of all ages in order to achieve public health.
Связь между учебной программой и результатами обучения