Стоматология (ВМ087)
Код урока Название курса Сорт Кредит Время урока Еженедельные часы занятий (теоретические) Еженедельные часы занятий (практика) Еженедельные часы занятий (лаборатория)
CPD 63157 Clinical Prosthetic Dentistry бесінші курс 5 150 3 5 -
Описание курса
Орыс тілі, казахский
1Possesses communication skills when working with patients in various situations and choosing the optimal design of the prosthesis.
2Can demonstrate methods of research, examination, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up in prosthetic dentistry based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.
3knows the types of tools in accordance with modern standards
4Possesses professional knowledge in the selection of prosthetic designs and their practical stages
5Can present the results of his research in removable and fixed prosthetics in the educational process.
Связь между учебной программой и результатами обучения