International Relations
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhUSSA 42102 Analysis of foreign policy in the process of globalization төртінші курс 8 240 3 3 0
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the discipline is designed to know and understand the structure of the state's foreign policy in the process of globalization, identify national interests and foreign policy priorities of the state, identify and classify the key institutions of the state that make foreign policy decisions. In the course of studying the discipline, students master individual situational studies on topical issues by analyzing foreign policy in the process of globalization, improve the skills of critical analysis and assessment of the influence and correlation of factors of the internal and external environment.



Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,problem solution essay,task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method

1LO 1- Understanding of Globalization's Impact on Foreign Policy: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how globalization shapes and influences the formulation and implementation of foreign policies by nations. This includes exploring the interconnectedness of political, economic, social, and technological factors in the global arena;
2LO 2- Critical Analysis Skills: Develop the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the foreign policies of different countries in the context of globalization. Students will be able to assess the motivations, strategies, and implications of foreign policy decisions within the evolving global landscape;
3LO 3- Application of Theoretical Frameworks: Apply theoretical frameworks relevant to international relations and globalization to analyze specific case studies of foreign policy. Students will be able to use established theories to explain and predict the behavior of states in the globalized world;
4LO4- Awareness of Ethical and Cultural Considerations: Foster an awareness of the ethical and cultural dimensions in foreign policy analysis. Students will explore how globalization introduces new ethical challenges and cultural considerations that policymakers must navigate, and they will be able to critically assess the ethical implications of foreign policy decisions;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Globalization and Shifts in National Interest: Analyzing Foreign Policy Priorities
2Global Economic Integration: A Case Study Approach to Foreign Policy Decision-Making
3Digital Diplomacy: Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Foreign Policy
4Network Diplomacy: Understanding and Evaluating Global Alliances
5Global Governance Structures: Implications for National Foreign Policy
6Security Challenges in a Globalized World: A Foreign Policy Analysis
7Economic Statecraft in Globalized Foreign Policy
8Crisis Diplomacy: Responding to Global Challenges
9Strategic Narratives in Globalized Foreign Policy
10Soft Power Dynamics: Cultural Diplomacy and Global Influence
11Global Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decision-Making
12Migration Diplomacy: Navigating Global Mobility Challenges
13Climate Diplomacy: Foreign Policy Responses to Environmental Challenges
14Balancing Act: Navigating Power Shifts in a Multipolar World
15Strategic Forecasting: Anticipating Global Trends for Foreign Policy Planning
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox Авторы: Jean-Frédéric Morin, Jonathan Paquin 2018
2Public Opinion about Foreign Policy - Joshua D. Kertzer, Harvard University• 2021 •
3Dış Politika Analizi (Ders Notları) Авторы: Prof. Dr. Ertan EFEGİL 2018
4Karşılaştırmalı Dış Politika Analizi: Dış Politika Üzerine Okumalar Авторы: Ertan EFEGİL, Ayla AKDOĞAN 2022
5Analiz Vneshnetorgovoj Politiki Rossijskoj Federacii I Predlozhenija Po Uvelicheniju Ee Jeffektivnosti JuA Kosikova, VV Filatov, VJu Mishakov 2020
6Konceptual'nye Osnovy Vneshnej Politiki Italii V Regione Bol'shogo Sredizemnomor'ja Mo Shibkova, As Guljuki - Analiz• Hronika• Prognoz - 2022