Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhDTA 3212 New Turkish Literature II Үшінші курс 5 150 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Yerlan Jiyenbayev

To give information about the characteristics of verse in the field of literature that was formed and developed during the founding period of the Republic of Turkey. To research the poems of poets such as Ahmet Haşim, Yahya Kemal, Nazım Hikmet, Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı, Faruk Nafız Çamlıbel, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Behçet Kemal Çağlar, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Cevdet Kudret, Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca. At the end of the course, the student will learn the differences between the poetry of the Republic period and the poems before it.

New Turkish Literature III

New Turkish Literature I

1. expression – power of expression 

2. exchange of ideas

3. increase - debate

4. problem solving method

1Obtains knowledge about literary studies that examine prose .
2Understands the aims and tasks of studies in the field of literature through literary history, theory, criticism and bibliography studies.
3Learns the place, emergence and development of modern Turkish literary science in world literature.
4Reads works related to modern Turkish literature.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Characteristics of the Servet-i Fünun Period
2Tevfik Fikret's poems
3Cenap Şahabettin's life and literary personality
4Analysis of Cenap Şahabettin's works
5Life and literary personality of Servet-i Fünun poets. Analysis of his poems
6Life and literary personality of Servet-i Fünun poets. Analysis of his poems
7Theater during the Servet-i Fünun period
8Stories and novels during the Servet-i Fünun period
9Life and literary personality of Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil. Analysis of his novels
10Mehmet Rauf's life and literary personality. Analysis of his novels
11Literature other than Servet-i Fünun
12Mehmet Akif Ersoy's literary personality and analysis of his works
13Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar's literary personality and analysis of his works
14Fecr-i Ati Era (1909-1913)
15Emin Bülent Serdaroğlu, Tahsin Nâhid, Mehmet Behçet Yazar
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N.S. Banarlı, Resimli Türk edebiyatı Tarihi, 2016.
2R. Korkmaz, H. Argunsah, A.I Kolcu, A. K. İslam, Yeni Türk edebiyatı 1839-2000. El kitabı, 2016.
3Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Edebiyat Üzerine Makaleler, Dergâh yayınları, 2018.
4Kenan Akyüz, XIX. Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, 2017.
5Mehmet Kaplan, Şiir Tahlilleri I (Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyete), 2018.
6Mehmet Kaplan, Hikâye Tahlilleri, 2018.