Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhDTA 2211 New Turkish Literature I Екінші курс 4 120 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Yerlan Jiyenbayev

To teach the characteristics of Turkish literature in the field of prose, which was newly formed and developed during the founding years of the Republic of Turkey. Learns the lives and works of the writers who lived and wrote during the founding period of the Republic of Turkey. It is aimed to teach the works of great figures such as Yakup Kadri, Halide Edip Adyvar, Reşat Nuri, Peyami Safa, Sabahattin Ali, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Sait Faik, who are considered classics of Turkish literature.

New Turkish Literature II


1. expression – power of expression 

2. exchange of ideas

3. increase - debate

4. problem solving method

1To determine the role of literature in awakening national consciousness, taking into account the close relationship of Turkish literature with the historical, public and social conditions of the late 19th century
2To explain the features and common unity of literary movements, to distinguish creative achievements and shortcomings through the works of well-known representatives
319th century goal is to reveal the essence of the emergence and development of new species.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General characteristics of Tanzimat period literature
2Life and works of İbrahim Şinasi
3Namık Kemal's life, ideas, works
4Life and works of Ziya Pasha
5Ahmet Mithat's life and works
6The role of newspapers and magazines in the development of literature
7Şemsettin Sami
8Old-New debate in Tanzimat Literature
9Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem
10Muallim Naci
11Abdülhak Hamit's poems and theater works
12Samipaşazade Sezai
13Nabizade Nazım
14Emin Nihat
15General evaluation. Literary Criticism. Text Analysis
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N.S. Banarlı, Resimli Türk edebiyatı Tarihi, 2016.
2R. Korkmaz, H. Argunsah, A.I Kolcu, A. K. İslam, Yeni Türk edebiyatı 1839-2000. El kitabı, 2016.
3Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Edebiyat Üzerine Makaleler, Dergâh yayınları, 2018.
4Kenan Akyüz, XIX. Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, 2017.
5Mehmet Kaplan, Şiir Tahlilleri I (Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyete), 2018.
6Mehmet Kaplan, Hikâye Tahlilleri, 2018.