General Medicine
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZH ZH 5302 Ambulans бесінші курс 10 300 0 4 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Tatykayeva S.B.

Еmergency is a set of simple measures aimed at saving life and preserving human health, carried out before the arrival of medical workers.

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in emergency care for patients with various serious conditions due to diseases of internal organs, regardless of the patient’s age, as well as providing medical care in extreme situations in the scope of first medical aid, diagnosis and assistance in emergency situations. states.


Surgical diseases, obstetrics and gynecology

small group methods,group-based learning,report-based training,case-based learning, problem-based learning,solving situational problems and performing individual test tasks,working with scientific and methodological literature,textbooks,Internet resources, electronic textbooks,filling out call cards, attending calls with teams at the ambulance station.

1DLR 1- When assessing the patient's condition and identifying pathological conditions, applies knowledge of the relevant subject;
2DLR 2- Accurately provides emergency medical care to victims;
3DLR 3- Correctly organizes the course of his actions, knowing their value
4DLR 1- Applies principles of effective collaboration with physicians and other health care professionals to resolve, manage, and prevent conflicts;
5DLR 2- Correctly organizes the course of his actions, knowing their value
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Emergency conditions involving lesions of the central nervous system. Neurotoxicosis. Neuroinfections.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
2Аcute cerebrovascular accidentАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
4ConvulsionsАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
5Emergency conditions in cardiology. Acute cardiovascular failure. Cardiogenic shockАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
6Rhythm and conduction disturbances. Sudden death.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
7Acute coronary syndrome.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
8Hypertensive crisesАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
9Emergency conditions in pulmonology. Acute respiratory failure. Аcute respiratory viral infection. Hyperthermia.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
10Upper airway obstruction LaryngospasmАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
11Bronchospasm. Asthmatic status. Pulmonary hemorrhage.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
12Emergency conditions for allergic and infectious diseases. Drug allergy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
13Anaphylactic shock.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
14Angioedema Hives.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
15A particularly dangerous infection. Food poisoning.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
16Infectious-toxic shock.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
17Emergency conditions in traumatology. Closed craniocerebral injury.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентация
18Damage to the eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine, open bone fractures and joint damage.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
19Wounds. Polytrauma. Traumatic shock.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
20Emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology. Ectopic pregnancy. Out-of-hospital birthСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
21Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst. Uterine bleeding. Pelvioperitonitis.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
22Emergency conditions in surgery Appendicitis.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
23Acute intestinal obstruction Strangulated inguinal hernia.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
24Closed abdominal injury Stomach bleeding.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
25Emergency conditions in case of accidents Drowning. Strangulation Electrical injury.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
26Frostbite. Sun and heatstroke.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
27Poisoning.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Shugyl zhagdaylarda zhedel medical komek. M.A. Sarbasova. Oku kuraly 2018j
2Zhedel zhardem. K.B.Buraeva. Oku-adistemelik kural. 2017j
3Zhedel zhardem negizderi. M.B.Akhataeva. Oku-adistemelik kural. 2019
4Shұgyl zhardem negіzderi. Zhumabekov A.T. Oku-adistemelik kural. 2023
5Shugyl zhagdaylarda zhedel medical komek. M.A. Sarbasova.Oku kuraly 2018j
6Emergency. S.F. Bagnenko, M.Sh. Khubutia, A.G. Miroshnichenko, I.P. Minnullina. Textbook, 2014
7Emergency. S.F. Bagnenko, M.Sh. Khubutia, A.G. Miroshnichenko, I.P. Minnullina. National leadership. 2021
8Emergency medical care. V.N. Larina. 2022
9Emergency medical care for children. Shaytor V. M. A short guide for doctors. 2021
10Basics of first aid. I.P. Minnullina, N.N. Plakhova, L.I. The duty officer. Tutorial. 2022
11Emergency. Procedure for providing medical care. Standards of medical care. A.I. Murtazin. Formulary. 2nd ed. 2021
12Guide to emergency medical care for doctors and paramedics. A.L.Vertkin, K.A.Sveshnikov. Textbook, 2017