Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ВН 3208 Basis of Hadith Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Casim Avci

Purpose: familiarization with the works related to the understanding and interpretation of the Qur''''an (’ilm al-Kur’an wa-t-tafsir), which played a crucial role in the development of Islamic religious doctrine. In addition, training in tactical methods of interpretation of the modern category of tafsir, the reasons for their appearance.



Theoretical Explanation and Interactive

1- learns the basic concepts about hadith and hadith procedure;
2- Learns the history of the formation of Islam;
3- Provides information about the period of the Prophet;
4- Forms an idea about the period of the Caliphs.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basic Concepts About Hadith and Hadith ProcedureАуызша
2Basic Sources of Hadith ProcedureАуызша
3The Relationship between Sunnah and Hadith, the Importance of SunnahАуызша
4Basic Hadith SourcesАуызша
5Ways of Learning and Teaching HadithАуызша
6Hz. Hadith in the Periods of the Prophet, Companions and TabiunАуызша
7Codification and Classification of HadithsАуызша
8Hadith Studies After Codification and ClassificationАуызша
9Hadith Types According to SourceАуызша
10Hadith Types According to the Number of RavisАуызша
11Types of Hadith According to Their Degree of AuthenticityАуызша
12Fabricated HadithsАуызша
13Hadith SciencesАуызша
14Send Criticism in HadithsАуызша
15Principles of Textual Criticism in Hadiths and General EvaluationАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Хадис негіздері және әдістемесі. Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Ж. Е. Нурматов. - Түркістан : Тұран, 2020
2Хадис мәтіні. Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Ж. Е. Нурматов. - Түркістан : Тұран, 2020
3Хадис негіздері және әдістемесі. Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Ж. Е. Нурматов. - Түркістан : Тұран, 2020,