Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
VEEKGKST 4312 Design Of Small Power Supply Systems Using Renewable Energy Sources төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Mukhamedzhanov Nuriddin Baktiyarovich

The purpose of the subject is to assess the economic efficiency of the implementation of projects of renewable energy installations and energy saving projects with the content of the design works of power supply systems and the main principles of their construction, the maintenance of work documentation, the technology of organizing design works, the selection of switching and protective electrical equipment of power plants and distribution devices, and teaches optimization methods.


Use of renewable energy sources

Group work, method of development training, method of improving professional skills, methods of problem-based learning.

1Researches the requirements for electricity supply systems using renewable energy sources.
2Analyzes technological schemes of RES and options for their use.
3Creates construction methods, drawings and other documentation of the energy system for renewable energy sources.
4Prepares a project of small electricity supply systems using renewable energy sources.
5Investigates technical and economic calculations of a small power supply system using renewable energy sources.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Design of power supply systems based on RES.
2Components of the project.
3Design stages.
4Work documentation.
5Principles of design of power supply systems at different stages of consumer electric loads.
6Ways to create energy complexes with the participation of RES.
7Basics of automation of electricity supply facilities based on RES.
8Automated design of electricity supply facilities.
9Selection of switching electrical equipment of electrical substations and distribution devices.
10Selection of protective equipment for electrical substations and switchgear.
11Optimizing the economic efficiency of implementation of projects of renewable energy installations.
12Evaluation of economic efficiency of implementation of energy saving projects in renewable energy.
13Construction organization project.
14Work production project Work organization technology.
15Feasibility calculations in the design of small electricity supply systems using renewable energy sources.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Жаңғыртылған энергия көздері: Оқу құралы.Алматы: 2013. 256 бет. Т.Қ.Қойшиев.
2Возобновляемые источники энергии. 2016. Мусабеков К.М., Усенкулов Ж.
3Магнитті қалақшалары бар жел энергетикалық қондырғы: Монография. Түркістан: Тұран баспасы. 2018. 101бет. Н.Т.Рустамов, Б.Н.Қуатбеков