Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
В36.105 Journalism history Бірінші курс 4 120 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sadikov S.

The general course" history of journalism "is mainly a theoretical and practical legal part and continuation of such a discipline as" introduction to journalism"," history of Kazakh journalism". This discipline strengthens future journalists not only from the theoretical side, but also from the practical side.
At the same time, the theory, history, experience, language, style of journalism are guided by the ideas of publicists about the press, modern mass media, published in print, newspapers, magazines, as well as the works of researchers.

presentation, discussion, exchange of views

1Recognizes media genres and can develop materials based on the type of genres.
2Able to review materials published in the media, recognize the forms of genres.
3Recognizes media genres and can develop materials based on the type of genres.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Historical foundations of national journalismАуызша
2Shokan, Ybyrai, Abay-a classic example of the Kazakh leader's speechАуызша
3Alash press. Newspapers' Kazakh',' Saryarka', etc.Ауызша
4Soviet power and journalismАуызша
5The emergence and formation of Soviet censorshipАуызша
6Journalism and informationАуызша
7The newspaper 'Kazakh literature' and the development of national journalismАуызша
8Problems of national development and journalism of the 50s and 60sАуызша
9Journalism in the Times of Soviet stagnation, perestroikaАуызша
10December uprising and Kazakh journalismАуызша
11National idea and journalismАуызша
12Modern Kazakh society and journalismАуызша
13Journalism and the fourth power problemАуызша
14Traditional journalism and new mediaАуызша
15Journalist's new thinking skillsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Садықов С. Ұлттық бірегейлік және журналистика. Оқулық. – Алматы: «Лантар Трейд» ЖШС, 2022. – 465 бет.
2Садықов С. Журналистикаға кіріспе. Оқу құралы. – Алматы: АДАЛ КІТАП, 2023. – 175 бет.
3Садықов С. Ұлттық рух жаршысы. Оқу құралы. – Алматы: Алаш, 2018 – 164 бет.
4Садықов С. Қоғам және журналист. Оқу құралы. – Астана: Елорда, 2016. – 125 бет.