Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TZh 4309 Payment system төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

Objectives of the subject: to understand the role and place of payment systems in the economy and monetary policy of the state; mastering the theoretical bases and prerequisites for creating a payment system; to know the basic principles and mechanisms of payment systems; forming a system of knowledge about the current standards of financial data exchange and their role in the operation of payment systems; to know the organizational and functional infrastructure of payment systems.


Finance I

narrating, explaining, providing information, question-answer, work in small groups, work in pairs; tests

1forms knowledge on payment systems
2applies knowledge and skills in practice.
3Subjects of the payment system and can organize analysis of their services
4can use domestic and foreign sources of information, classification of payment systems, basic requirements for payment systems, legislative and regulatory documents in solving analytical and research problems
5can evaluate and analyze the principles and forms of organization of the state's payment system.
6Able to assess and analyze risk management in the payment and settlement system.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Concept of payment and payment systems
2Subjects of the payment system and their services
3Types of payment instruments in the Republic of Kazakhstan
4Classification of payment systems
5International payment systems
6SWIFT electronic payments system
7Principles and forms of organization of the state payment system
8History and development of the payment system in Kazakhstan
9Interbank settlements and their procedure
10Economic value of clearing operations
11Electronic money systems of Kazakhstan
12Basic requirements for payment systems
13Creation of a payment organization, account registration and cancellation of registration
14Regulation of the payment system
15Risk management in the payment and settlement system
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Pralieva, S.Zh.Tөlem zhүjesі : Oқu-ədіstemelіk құral. Almaty: «Tұran» Universitetі, 2020. - 64 b.
2Bank іsі pәnіnen praktikum, Oқu-әdіstemelіk құral.Tүrkіstan. 2020, M.E.Munasipova
3Zhaparova, A.Қarzhy zhәne bank statistikasy : Lekcii. / S. Amanzholov atyndaғy Shyғys Қazaқstan memlekettіk universitetі. - Өskemen: Berel , 2014. - 36 b.
4Қarzhy menedzhmentі/Financial management / B. S. Saparova. - Almaty : Jekonomika, 2015. - 632 s. - ISBN 978-601-225-273-6 : B. c.