Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TVSM 4350 İnstallation of television shows төртінші курс 6 120 0 0 2
Course Descriptions
Azhar Akhmet

The goal of the discipline is to provide conflicting information about sound engineering with technological tools in the studio, building on its classic example in filmmaking. It deals with the characteristics and originality of technicians in journalism; get a full idea of ​​the stages of formation, the development of technical media; The discipline is mainly aimed at teaching students how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the formation of professional research skills.


Television and radio journalism

 discussion, "brainstorming", game, interview

1PON 1 - Can learn and know how to shoot TV broadcasts; PON 2 - Learns to write TV scripts;
2PON 3 - Understands the creation of a broadcast studio; PON 4 - Learns the work of the guest editor in television broadcasts;
3PON 5 - Learns the duties and competencies of the TV producer; PON 6 - Understands the work of cameramen in television broadcasts;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Entrance. Methodology for editing TV broadcastsАуызша және жазбашаЖазбаша
2Consideration of assembly on setАуызшаСұрақ-жауап
3Principles of organizing television broadcastsАуызшаСөздік
4Prerequisite for recording a television broadcastАуызшаtest
5Development of a television broadcast scriptЖазбашаАуызша
6The meaning of the scene in television broadcast, propsЖазбаша
7Conditions to consider when inviting guests to a television broadcastЖазбашаtest
8The job of a television producerАуызша
9The importance of operator skillЖазбашаАуызша
10Understanding Adobe Premier pro, Sony Vegas computer programsАуызша
11Ways to create video-audio strips in Adobe Premier pro, Sony Vegas programsЖазбашаАуызша
12Adjust tracks in Adobe Premier pro and Sony VegasАуызша
13The importance of graphic finishing in Adobe Premier pro, Sony Vegas programsАуызша және жазбаша
14Subtitle technology with Adobe Premier pro and Sony Vegas programsЖазбаша
15How to create a finished video project with Adobe Premier pro, Sony Vegas?презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Телеоператор шеберлігі [Текст] / Б. Сердәлі. – Алматы : Қазақ университеті, 2016. – 158 с. –Сердәлі, Б.
22. Әбілдина, Ғ. Телевизия өнері: теориясы мен технологиясы. Оқу құралы. [Текст] / Ғ. Әбілдина. – Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. – 390 с.
33. Urmashev, B. A. Information-communication tehnology: Textbook [Text] / B. A. Urmashev. – Almaty : Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, 2016. – 409 p
44. Завильгельский Д.Г. Как снимать документальное кино. Записки кинодоку- менталиста - М.; СПб.: Центр гуманитарных инициатив, АРХЭ, 2019. - 148 с., илл.
55. Волынец М. М. Профессия: оператор: Учеб. пособие для студентов вузов/ М.М. лынец. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Издательство «Аспект Пре 2022. -184с.
66. Қалиаждарова Ш.Ы. Телевизиялық хабар дайындау технологиясы: оқу құралы - Алматы: ХАТУ, 2017. - 116 б.
77. Қалиаждарова Ш. Ы. Тележаңалық: тәжірибе оқу құралы, ХАТУ, 2022. -130 б