Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TrZh/ TRG 3209 Television and radio journalism Үшінші курс 5 150 15 30
Course Descriptions
Baeshova Balzia

Subject "television and radio journalism": introduces students to the basics of the theory and practice of radio and television. Analyzes the modern development of radio and television in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. It will also be aimed at mastering on a theoretical basis new approaches to the work of modern television and radio channels, along with the specifics of television and radio broadcasting in Soviet times, the preparation of broadcasts.

Television news

Multimedia journalism

zh-written work, A. s-oral request, A. G-oral-written, e-essay, P-presentation, d-glossary, sh-creative

1LO7 қалыптастырады forms the ability to make decisions and determine the expediency of preparing materials for publication (submission). -Acts for the collection and structuring of information, the preparation of material, including through interaction with competent sources. - Carries out from the point of view of studying current events in the life of society and their new views.
2Логопед шешім қабылдау және материалдарды жариялауға (ұсынуға) дайындаудың орындылығын анықтау қабілетін қалыптастырады. - Ақпаратты жинау және құрылымдау, материалдарды дайындау, оның ішінде Құзыретті көздермен өзара іс-қимыл жасау жөніндегі іс-қимылдар. - Қоғам өміріндегі ағымдағы оқиғаларды және олардың жаңа көзқарастарын зерттеу тұрғысынан жүзеге асырылады.
3LO9-the processing of materials, including compiling, ensuring the accuracy of quoted citations, names, figures and other specific data.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction.The nature of television and radio journalismпрезентация
2History of television and radio journalism, stages of developmentпрезентация
3Screen languageпрезентация
4Directing in television and radio journalismпрезентация
5TV and radio broadcasting scriptпрезентация
6Structural system of television and radio channelsпрезентация
7Television and radio auditing and methods of its researchпрезентация
8Speech techniqueпрезентация
9Speech techniqueпрезентация
10Analytical genres of television and radio journalismпрезентация
11Documentary and artistic genres of television and radio journalismпрезентация
12Forms of television and radio journalismпрезентация
13Specialties of television and radio journalismпрезентация
14Foreign television journalismпрезентация
15Criteria for evaluating TV and radio broadcastsпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Literature: Main: 1.television and radio journalism: theory, practice, summary. Textbook-Almaty: Kazakh university, 2017. Kabylgazy, K. 2. Radio Journalism. Training manual. - Almaty, 2014cabylgazy STR. 3. fundamentals of Radio Journalism. Training manual. - Almaty, 2015. Omashev N. 4. digital television. 'I don't know,' he said. - M., 2011 Smirnova A. Additional: 1. television and radio journalism: educational and methodological guidance. - Turkestan, 2019. Beldibekova A. 2. international radio journalism. Educational and methodical instruction-Almaty, 2012 Nuridin R. 3.image of a TV presenter. Educational and methodical manual. - Turkestan, 2020. A. Beldibekova 4. television and radio journalism. 'I don't know,' he said. - Kostanay, 2013 Beldibekova A. List of Web sites: 1. international radio journalism: textbook. / Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan . - Almaty: Economics, 2012.http: / / rmebrk. kz / Nuriden, R. Sh. 2.research for radio and television journalists / 2 - e izd., ISPR. and pererab. - M.: 'aspect Press', 2017. http://libr