Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TPKP 6308 Theoretical Problems of Kazakh Екінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
D. Islam

Aboutmastering the ideological, figurative continuity of Kazakh verse with poetic works in the folklore of the ancient Turkic people, harmonization in line with artistic traditions with samples of poetry and poetry in oral literature, mastering the secret of poetic skill. Analyzes the patterns of development of the literary process in the context of Kazakh literature, genre and style, aesthetic features, scientific foundations of literary studies.   Uses the methods of comparative analytical analysis in teaching visual means and plot-compositional integrity in a Kazakh poem. 
Uses methods of comparative analytical analysis in teaching visual means and plot-compositional integrity in the Kazakh poem.

Developing the skills of the scientific and methodological direction

Introductory course on the history of modern Kazakh literature, introduction to literary studies

2. Exchange of views
3. Discussion
4. Problematic methods

1he is able to solve scientific and practical problems, having the skills of theoretical and methodological analysis by conducting scientific research in the field of philology, applying forecasting and planning methods in practice, synthesizing knowledge in the field of linguistics and literary studies
2able to conduct scientific research, analyzing the poetic features of literary and folklore works, forming the theoretical foundations of new branches of science in the field of philology
3he is able to analyze the patterns of development of the literary process in the context of Kazakh literature, genre and style, aesthetic features, scientific foundations of folklore and literature
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical problems of modern Kazakh lyrics.Сұрақ-жауап
2Artistic aspects of the modern poem 'Mourning'.Ауызша
3Consonance of Sufi teachings and Kazakh lyrics.test
4The character of the 'I' in poetryАуызша
5The tradition of Abai in modern lyrics.Сұрақ-жауап
6Creativity of T.Iztileuula and an adventure poemtest
7From patriotism to humanism. (Patriotism and Tourism in Magzhan's poems).презентация
8Historical social essence of the artistic theme and ideaСұрақ-жауап
9Poetic work- 'My soil'Сұрақ-жауап
10Fundamentals of the emergence of signs of Eastern and Western poetry in the works of the poet.test
11Manifestation of the author's types of emotions in the work of a practical poet.презентация
12Game beginnings in the poems of Zh. Zhakypbaev. Types of puns.Сұрақ-жауап
13Textual specificity of the works of Zh. Zhakypbaev.test
14A poem is an artistic way of life.test
15Anti-character in the lyrics of T. Medetbek.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Akhmetov Z. Thepeak of poetry is wisdom. Astana, 2015
2Ashimbayev S. Passion for common sense. Almaty, 2000
3Dadebaev Zh. Thereality of life and artistic solution. A., 2015
4Dadebaev Zh. Modern Kazakh literature. Course of lectures. A., 2018г.
5Egeubaev A. Sistema slov [System of words]. Almaty, 2015
6Partistic key-mastery. Almaty, 2014
7Karibaeva B.Poetics of modern Kazakh lyrics. Almaty, 2016
8Kabdolov Z. Arna. Almaty, 2017