Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TM 4219 Tafseer (Commentary)Text төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Kamil Yaşaroğlu

The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who taught the theoretical knowledge explaining the Qur'an, giving its meanings, passed it through a chain of transmission to the commentators who systematized the invaluable knowledge and at the same time studied its special grammatical and literary features.



Theoretical Explanation and Interactive

1Explains the meaning and differences of the basic concepts used in the teaching of tafsir.
2Explains the history and reasons for the placement of characters and dots in the Qur'an.
3Recognizes the types and characteristics of tafsir, distinguishes the directions of tafsir
4shows the characteristics of exegesis
5Demonstrates the methods used to explain the verses of the Qur'an.
6offers ways of interpreting the verses of the Qur'an correctly.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Surah FatihaАуызша
2Surah Al-Baqarah 1-5.Ауызша
3Surah TabbetАуызша
4Surah NasrЖазбаша
5Verses about SalatАуызша
6Surah al-humazahАуызша
7Surah al-TakasurАуызша және жазбаша
8Surah al-QariahАуызша
9Surah al-ZilzalАуызша
10Surah al-DuhaАуызша
11Surah al-InshirahАуызша
12Surah al-QadrАуызша
13Verses about good moralsЖазбаша
14Surah al-TinАуызша
15Surah al-AsrАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of interpretation of Islamic sources, textbook, -Almaty 2020, K.S.Bagasharov Исламдық дереккөздерді интерпретациялау әдістері
2History and methodology of interpretation: textbook, Turkestan, 2020, Zh. Nurmatov Тәпсір тарихы және әдістемесі: оқу құралы, Түркістан, 2020, Ж.Нурматов
3Holy Quran. Kazakh translation. 2015. Ankara.