Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
THTZEGGN 6307 Ethnogenetic and Genealogical Foundations of Research on Turkish Peoples Екінші курс 6 180 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
Bülent Bayram

The subject deals with the lineage grouping of languages, the kinship of languages, their origin and historical development. The problems of lineage grouping of Turkic languages and Chinese and Byzantine data sources that provide ethno-genetic and genealogical data for research on Turkic peoples are emphasized. In the process of mastering the subject, the graduate student examines the works of scientists who classified Turkic languages genealogically for the first time. It presents a comparative chronology of the ancient Turkic languages in terms of ethno-genetic and genealogical differences.



Lecture, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, brainstorming

1Can present the knowledge gained about basic research in the field of Turkic studies, theoretical and methodological positions of Turkic studies, conceptual and terminological problems, modern views and trends within the framework of scientific paradigms
2Analyzes the results of Turkish studies, formulates conclusions, solves them based on scientific research methods, studies the works of Turkish scientists using new archival materials and manuscripts
3It can publish article summaries in domestic, foreign and international databases based on scientific research results related to the field of Turkic studies, and present reports at international scientific conferences, symposiums and congresses
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theories about the origin of the TurksАуызша және жазбаша
2Legends about the origin of the Turksпрезентация
3Turkish name in historical sourcesАуызша
4The issue of the homeland of the TurksАуызша және жазбаша
5Turks in Chinese sourcesАуызша және жазбаша
6Turks in Western SourcesАуызша және жазбаша
7Turks in Arab-Persian sourcesАуызша және жазбаша
8Steppe Empires and Turksпрезентация
9Paloasiatic peoples and TurksАуызша
10Finno-Ugric peoples and TurksАуызша
11Slavic peoples and Turksпрезентация
12Altai peoples issueАуызша
13Ural-Altai Theory and Turksпрезентация
14Sumerian-Turkic language relationsАуызша
15Relations of Iranian peoples with TurksАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Osman Karatay, Türklerin Tarihi, 2015
2Peter B.Golden, Dünya Tarihinde Orta Asya, 2015
3Peter B.Golden, Türk HalklarıTarihine Giriş, 2013
4Ş. İbraev, K. Kelimbetov, Türkoloji Dünya Türkoloji Tarihi, 2016