Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SSS 3290 Tax and Taxation Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh
G. Azretbergenova

The discipline provides for the formation to teach students of the subject the theoretical aspects of the functioning of taxes and the taxation system, i.e., considering the economic content of taxes, the functions and principles of taxes, the stages of the creation and historical development of taxes and the tax system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main conceptual directions of tax reforms in the country, etc.  study and teach.

Tax and taxation
Financial theory

narrating, explaining, providing information, question-answer, work in small groups, work in pairs; tests

1express their opinions on modern problems studied in the field of taxation; applies the acquired knowledge in practical work.
2can summarize and analyze the modern issues of taxation methods and technologies for assessing business efficiency.
3Conducts theoretical and experimental research using mathematical analysis and modeling methods in the field of finance
4learns the skills of applying the regulatory and legal documents of the tax legislation related to the regulation of the content of tax and taxation in the financial market, the relations of its participants.
5learns the skills of calculating taxes and fees from legal entities and individuals
6uses rational tax methods in the mechanism of effective financing of economic activities of companies in the market economy
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical foundations of taxation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2Nature of tax and principles of taxation
3Functions and classification of taxes
4System of taxation of legal entities and individuals
5Republican taxes (tax base, tax rates, tax term, taxation subjects)
6Regional taxes (tax base, tax rates, tax period, tax subjects)
7Local taxes (tax base, tax rates, tax term, taxation subjects)
8Special tax regimes of the Republic of Kazakhstan
9Tax control of legal entities and individuals
10Tax system of the Republic of Turkey
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1'Salyk zhәne bjudzhetke tөlenetіn baska da mіndettі tolemder turaly' Қazaқstan Respublikasynyn Kodeksіn (Salyk kodeksі) қoldanysқa engіzu turaly Kazakstan Respublikasynyn Zany 2017 zhylgy 25 zheltoksandagy № 121-VI KRZ.
2Nalogi i nalogooblozhenie. Uchebnoe posobie. Shymkent. 2020 . G.ZhAzretbergenova i d.r.
3Nalogovyj menedzhment.Uchebnoe posobie. Almaty. 2018. B.Zh.Ermekbaeva., A.K.Mustafina 4.
4Metodika ischislenija nalogov i drugih objazatel'nyh platezhej v Respublike Kazahstan: uchebnoe posobie, 2020B. Zh.Ermekbaeva.,A.K.Mustafina., D.M.Muhijaeva
5Nalogovaja sistema Respubliki Kazahstan. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie, 2019. B.Zh.Ermekbaeva., A.K.Mustafina
6Salyқ esep zhәne esepteme: Oқu-ədіstemelіk құral. - Almaty: «Tұran» Universitetі, 2020. - 48b. Bikteubaeva, A.S., Bozgulova, N.A.
7Salyқ salu ataularynyn tүsіndіrme sөzdіgі: Zhoғary ou oryndary jekonomika fakul'tetіnіstudentterіne arnalғan. - Өskemen: S. Amanzholov atyndaғy ShҚMU baspasy, 2013. - 35b. -ISBN 978-601-7196-57-8. Turarov , T.K., Sadykov, T.S Turarov , T.K., Sadykov, T.S7
8Ұjymnyn salyқ saluyn taldau zhәne oңtajlandyru: Oқu құraly. - Қostanaj: A. Baityrsynov atyndaғy ҚMU, 2019. - 55b. -ISBN 978-601-7985-82-0. Abaeva, G.I., Alimova, N.Zh
9Salyk әkіmshіlіgі. Abieva S.N., Alieva M.M. Jekonomika baspasy, Almaty – 2016 zh
10Nalogoovoe prognozirovanie i planirovanie Zhakipbekov S.T., Abdibekov S.U. N. //Jekonomika baspasy./ Almaty- 2014zh
11Salyk zhәne salyk salu Zhakipbekov S.T., Kanatov A.S Jekonomika baspasy, Almaty – 2016
12Nalogooblazhenie v RK na sovremennom jetape. Kaldijarov D.A., Ilimzhanova Z.A., Jekonomika baspasy, Almaty – 2015 /320 str
13Salyk zhene salyk salu Kul'zhabaeva M.T.,Fursova I.G. Jekonomika baspasy, Almaty – 2017 zh.
14Osnovy nalogovogo planirovanija Kul'zhabaeva M.T., Shaburhanova Z.A Jekonomika//Almaty –
15Hüseyin Şen Vergi teorisi ve Potikası İkinci baskı.2015s.
16Güran M.C. Gelir vergileri.Ankara 2013