Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SS 2264 Soft Skills Екінші курс 3 90 - 2 -
Course Descriptions
Toychibekova Gaziza Batikhanovna

Discipline forms the flexible skills a person needs to adapt to changing conditions. During the course, students develop the skills of public speaking, making presentations, and attracting the attention of an audience. As a result, the student will learn to prioritize problems, think creatively in solving them, and identify risks. Also, the student will be able to effectively provide a two-way exchange of information in their own interests and the interests of the interlocutor.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

11. be able to choose a way to access information, be able to evaluate
22. demonstrates its flexibility to modern problems and needs, problems arising in public life
33.provides a real training model in order to use general information on professional development of employees.
44. management can correctly process and summarize the data obtained as a result of joint use of conflicts in the organization.
55. able to work in a team in the process of conducting research on applications as types of flexible skills
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of Soft Skills as a phenomenon. Types of flexible skillsАуызша
2Location and role of Soft Skills in professional development of personnel and human capitalАуызша
3Modern methods of Soft Skills developmentЖазбаша
4Group skill development: individual and group dynamicsАуызша және жазбаша
5Conflict management in the organizationСөздік
6Organizational culture and its role in the formation of Soft SkillsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Storozheva, E. V. Theory and practice of corporate governance : a textbook / E. V. Storozheva, E. Y. Khamutskikh. - 2nd ed., ster. - Moscow : FLINT, 2020. - 61 p. - ISBN 978-5-9765-2283-1. - Text : electronic. - URL: (date of application: 05/10/2020). - Access mode: by subscription.
2Bratko, A. G. Artificial intelligence, the legal system and the functions of the state : a monograph / A.G. Bratko. - Moscow : INFRA-M, 2021. - 282 p. - (Scientific thought). - DOI 10.12737/1064996. - ISBN 978-5-16-015890-7. - Text : electronic. - URL: (date of application: 05/10/2020). - Access mode: by subscription.
3Covey, S. 7 skills of highly effective network marketing professionals: Popular Science / Covey S. M.:Alpina Publisher, 2017. - 128 p.: ISBN 978-5-9614-6204-3. - Text : electronic. - URL: (date of application: 05/10/2020). - Access mode: by subscription