Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SMIE 6311 Modern research methods in Еlectrochemistry Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Altynbekova Minash Orazbayevna

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of the ability to carry out the study of electrochemical objects using modern methods. The course examines the theoretical foundations and practical possibilities of electrochemical methods, teaches the analysis of the reliability and value of scientific research results, the principles of the functioning of installations, the correct assessment of methods and conditions of the experiment. They will learn to independently conduct research work using the basic theoretical laws of chemistry and modern research methods, process experimental research data using statistical methods



Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods

1Develops a scientific and methodological research apparatus in accordance with scientific ethics with a comparison of any type of research work in the field of chemistry within the framework of the subject 'Modern methods in electrochemistry'
2independently search for new scientific information necessary for the basic laws of the subject 'Modern methods in electrochemistry'
3understands the basic principles of the discipline modern methods in electrochemistry and knowledge of kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical processes
4summarizes knowledge about the basic laws and theories of chemistry when performing experimental experiments, in calculations
5plans and performs an experiment in the discipline modern methods in electrochemistry, critically analyzes the results, on the basis of which he draws conclusions
6logically substantiates his scientific conclusions using the obtained theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject 'Modern methods of electrochemistry'
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The processes of transition from chemical energy to electricity. Galvanic cells, batteries.test
2Theoretical foundations of the electrolysis process Electrolysis. The laws of electrolysisпрезентация
3Electrode potentials. The Nernst equationБиблиография
4Types of electrodes. The passage of an electric current through the electrodes.Сұрақ-жауап
5Kinetics of electrode processes. Nonequilibrium processes on electrodesАуызша
6Concentration polarizationЖазбаша
7Potentiometry. Direct potentiometry. Ionometry. pH-metricАуызша және жазбаша
8Polarography. Electrodes used in polarography. Diffusion current. The Ilkovich equation.test
9Electrochemical polarizationпрезентация
10The processes occurring at the cathode and anode. Reduction of metal ions at the cathodeСұрақ-жауап
11Reactions occurring on the electrodes. Designs of electrolyzers.Ауызша
12The method of potentiometric analysis. Potentiometric titration.Жазбаша
13The method of coulometric analysis. Equipment, cells and electrodes used in coulometric analysis.Ауызша және жазбаша
14Electrolytic production of chlorine and alkali. Theoretical foundations of electrolysis of chloride solutionsпрезентация
15Theoretical foundations of electrolysis of chloride solutions. Technology for the production of chlorine, hydrogen and caustic soda
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Baeshov A., Baeshova A. K., Baeshova S. A. Elektrohımıa (teorıasy men qoldanylýy): Oqý quraly.Almaty, 2020.
2Kýdreeva L. K. Elektrohımıalyq óndiris tehnologıasy kýrstar boıynshalyq praktıkalyq jumystardy oryndaýǵa arnalǵannusqaýlyq. Almaty, 2015
3Kýdreeva L.K., Kýrbatov A. P. 'Elektrohımıalyq óndirister tehnologıasy'praktıkýmynyń jumysyn oryndaý jónindegi Nusqaýlyq. Almaty, 2015
4Babın a. v., Lebedev V. A.tuz balqymalarynda elektrohımıalyq zertteýlerdi daıyndaý jáne júrgizý. Ekaterınbýrg. 2014
5Fızıkalyq hımıa. 2 bólim: Oqý quraly. 2020.– 224 s. Ospanova A. K., Seılhanova G. A
6Fızıkalyq hımıanyń tujyrymdamalyq apparaty: oqý quraly.2020. - 127 s. Qamysbaev D.H
7Hımıalyq fızıka: oqý quraly. 2015. 418 B Mansýrov z. A., Ońǵarbaev E. K., Qudaıbergenov K. K.