Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SKF 4308 Statistical and Kinetic Physics төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Dossymov Ye

The discipline explains the history of statistical physics, as well as the basic laws and general properties of macroscopic physical systems.  Uses knowledge and understanding of the structure of micromodules based on the model of atomic-molecular representation and mathematical statistics in solving professional problems. Explains the cognition of macrosystems, the properties of system components by the values of the dynamic characteristics of their movement, explains the processes in nature and technology.


atomic physics

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1applies knowledge and skills in practice;
2organizes educational and research activities of students in the context of using modern information and pedagogical technologies;
3learns modern ways of analyzing scientific and pedagogical researches, evaluates and checks the relations between theory and empirical;
4is able to plan and implement his scientific research works;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of statistical physics. Macroscopic system, its micro and macro states. Quantum and classical imaging methods of microstates.Ауызша
2Determining the average values of thermodynamic values for the ensemble.Жазбаша
3Statistical thermodynamics. Thermodynamic parameters.Temperature, its definition by entropy.Ауызша
4Change of entropy in adiobatic processes. Pressure. Internal energy.Жазбаша
5Statistical distribution of systems located in the thermostat. Gibbs canonical distribution.Сұрақ-жауап
6A basic application of the Gibbs distribution. Theorem of uniform distribution of kinetic energy by degrees of freedom.Ауызша және жазбаша
7Properties of ideal and real gases. Boltzmann distribution for ideal gas molecules.презентация
8Classical theory of heat capacity of diatomic gases.Ауызша
9Phase equilibrium - equalities and phase transitions. Conditions for equilibrium of two phases of matter and stability of equilibrium.Жазбаша
10Claiperon-Clausius equation. Temperature dependence of saturated vapor pressure.Ауызша
11Quantum statistics of an ideal gas. Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein distributions.Жазбаша
12Considering the free electrons in the metal in the form of a devolved Fermi gas.Ауызша және жазбаша
13Elements of fluctuation theory. Einstein's formula of fluctuation probability.Сұрақ-жауап
14Physical kinetic elements. Statistical balance - principle of balance.презентация
15Kinetic theory of gas phenomena. Onzager principle. moment. Radioactivity.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Квасников, И.А. Термодинамика и статистическая физика: Теория неравновесных систем - М.: УРСС, 2016. – 448 c.
22. Т.А. Тұрмамбеков, П.А. Саидахметов Статистикалық физика және термодинамика. Оқулық.-2016.
33. А.Б.Кабулов. Статистикалық физика және физикалық кинетиканың негіздері. 2011.
44. Л.И. Курлапов, Т.Ж. Кунакбаев, К.С. Астемесова. Статистическая физика и термодинамика. 2011.
51. А. А. Комаров Термодинамика и статистическая физика: Руководство к решению задач Ч.1 -Алматы:Қазақ университеті, 2013ж., -110 с.
62. Г. А. Лоренц Статистические теории в термодинамике -М.:,2001ж., -192с
73. Т. Бижігітов Статистикалық физика. Физикалық кинетиканың негіздері. - Алматы: ЖШС «Дәуір», 2011. – 314 с.
84. Бондарев, Б.В. Курс общей физики. В 3-х т. Т. 3. Термодинамика. Статистическая физика. Строение вещества. – М.: Юрайт, 2013. – 369 c.
95. Захаров, А.Ю. Теоретические основы физического материаловедения. Статистическая термодинамика модельных систем. – СПб.: Лань, 2016. – 256 c.
106. В.Б. Казанский, В.В. Хардиков. Статистическая физика и термодинамика. Харьков – 2012. -291с