Digital Media and TV, Radio Journalism
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SJK 1201 Introduction to digital journalism Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Tashimova A.

The purpose of the discipline is to teach the student the first theoretical skills of knowledge related to Digital Journalism and lay the foundation for the mastery of practical activities related to modern innovative technologies. During the training of the discipline" introduction to digital journalism", students get acquainted with the new digital literacy, benchmarking, media digitalization, and receive theoretical information. The discipline is focused on the process of formation of media addressee, media algorithm systems of journalism, digital elements and functions of journalism, teaching students the features of classical and Digital Journalism.

Creative workshop of journalism

narration, exchange of views, discussion, "brainstorming", game, interview.

1Pon 1-understands the trends in the development of Journalism; Pon 2-gets acquainted with the system of functions of media and Digital Journalism, evaluates and understands the impact of digital technology on news production; Pon 3 – getting acquainted with the mission of journalism, assesses the quality of the concept of an information environment combined with the civilization of a digital society;
2Pon gets acquainted with the standards, traditional canons of 4 –Media and digital media, journalism, understands its application in practice ; Pon-5 gets acquainted with the Civil position of a journalist, the principles of professional integrity, understands the essence. Pon-6-gets acquainted with the information and media system, typology, uses information in practice; Pon 7-Masters writing information and processing it .
3Pon 8-gets acquainted with the concept of freedom of the press, compares, analyzes, evaluates the limitations of journalism and the models of advanced, free media in the world; Pon 9-gets acquainted with the principles of world media ethics, analyzes its significance, applies it in practice ; Pon-10-gets acquainted with the principles of media rights, self-regulation of world and domestic media, analyzes and evaluates them.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The concept of journalism. The concept of digital media.презентация
2Functions of journalismArticle
3Mission of journalismАуызша
4Organization of journalistic activitiesСұрақ-жауап
5The system and typology of media. Digital Journalism system.Жазбаша
6Journalism standardsпрезентация
7Principles of journalismАуызша
8Social position of a journalistАуызша
9Legal basis of journalistic activityАуызша
10Public opinion and mediaЖазбаша
11Freedom of the pressАуызша және жазбаша
12Freedom of media and journalist activitiesЖазбаша
13Journalist and information (preparing a novelty)презентация
14Problems of journalistic ethics .Online etiquette.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Медиа және журналистика: теория мен практикаға жаңа көзқарас. Оқу құралы. - Алматы: «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» қоғамдық қоры, 2019. авт.:Ж. Бейнбриж, Н. Гок, Л. Тайнан.
2Digital Journalism. Almaty: Qazaq University; 2018. Barlybayeva.S. Monograph.
3Журналистикаға кіріспе. Оқу құралы.–Алматы: Adal KITAP.–2023. Садықов С.
4Джонес, Д. Сандық журналистика [Текст] / Д. Джонес, К. Л. Салтер. - Алматы : ҚР білім және ғылым министрлігі, 2014. - 280 с.
5Политическая журналистика: учебник для вузов / С. Г. Корконосенко [и др.] ; под редакцией С. Г. Корконосенко. - Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2022. - 319 с.