Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SJ4339 Smart systems » төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 3
Course Descriptions
PhD, A.N. Amanov

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' competencies in the field of creating projects on programmable logic controllers. In the course of studying the discipline, the main programming languages for programmable logic controllers are considered. Students mastering the skills of working with programmable logic controllers, gaining practical skills in developing programs for programmable logic controllers.

Software and hardware for information security systems


Design management, group work, cloud technology, IT method, improving teaching technology.

1Be familiar with the main elements commonly used in smart systems;
2Develops intelligent expert systems and artificial intelligence systems;
3Develops structure algorithms in intelligent systems and implements them in programming languages.
4Uses the tools of programming languages to implement the multi-purpose system;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to intelligent systems, historical development, basic concepts and terminology
2Sensors and data collection
3Communication protocols for intelligent systems
4Embedded systems and microcontrollers
5Machine learning and artificial intelligence for intelligent systems
6Smart Systems in Health, Smart Hospitals and IoT in Health
7Smart Cities and Urban Planning, Introduction to Smart Cities
8Home automation and smart devices, smart homes and IoT
9Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing and Supply Chain
10Smart agriculture and environmental monitoring, environmental sensors and monitoring
11Smart grids and energy management
12Security, Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Systems
13Case studies and project demonstrations, real-world examples of intelligent systems
14Emerging technologies, future trends and challenges in intelligent systems
15Project types based on intelligent systems
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Робототехника және ARDUINO платформасында бағдарламалау. 2020, Оқу құралы, Алматы, А. Д. Тулегулов, А. О. Тлеубаева, А. Ю. Тохаева
2Робототехника и программирование на плптформе Arduino. 2019, Учебное пособие ТОО Лантар Трейд-Алматы, А. Д. Тулегулов, А. О. Тлеубаева
3Bilgisayar Kontrollü Robotik, 2013, Esem Basım Yayın, İstanbul, D. Çamoğlu
4Интеллектуальные робототехнические и мехатронные системы : учеб. пособие -Томск, В.И. Сырямкина. 2017. - 256 с. ISBN 978-5-93629-586-7