Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ShZh2204 Foreign journalism Екінші курс 6 180 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Beldibekova Aliya

The purpose of the subject is to provide students with detailed information on the development trends of journalism in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. Explaining the economic basis of foreign media, the process of media monopolization. Introduction to the typology of foreign daily publications: quality publications, yellow-collar publications, mixed publications, as well as aimed at informing about the specifics of media laws in each country, teaching goals and objectives.

Information agencies

Introduction to Journalism

Team work, a method of improving professional skills.

1Attempts to develop a professional network by working with sources of information and is able to learn about events in social networks
2Knowledge of the rules and norms of modern literary languages necessary for the preparation of material, knowledge of the stylistics of various journalistic genres that encourage readers (spectators, listeners) to draw their own conclusions, forms the use and development of a personal writing style.
3Forms regular communication with state bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, citizens, and other mass media. -Identifies tasks and methods of journalistic publications, learns technology and techniques, their content and structural-compositional features.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Information society: modern concepts, definition, reality
2Regulation of media activities. A feature of foreign journalism
3Mass media as an institution of a democratic society
4Interactivity, digitality, convergence in new media
5Current practice of foreign media
6Major newspapers and news agencies in the USA
7The electronic media system in the United States CNN Information Corporation
8French, Italian television: history, problems, future
9UK television and radio broadcasting
10Euronews and the BBC
11German television dual system
12Japan's electronic media
13Chinese television and news agencies; media of African and Arab countries
14Professional aspects of foreign media activity
15Global description of media concentration process
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Шетелжурналистикасы. Оқулық. Астана, 2013 Шындалиева М. 2. История зарубежной журналистики. – М., 2014. Прутцков Г.В. 3. Зарубежная журналистика. Учебное пособие. - Алматы, 2018 Химич С.