Accounting and Audit
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SHOKSBE 4398 Accounting in small and medium-sized businesses төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The study of the discipline involves the formation in future specialists of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and methodology of Accounting, its organization, implementation in small and medium-sized commercial structures, mastering the mechanism of taxation of small enterprises. In the course of studying the discipline, he will have the skills of accounting in a simplified form; tax reporting for a small and medium-sized business entity, reading and interpreting indicators of the organization's abbreviated accounting statements.

Problem solving, comparative analysis methodology, case study method, stress tests

1knows the basic provisions of accounting, the features of its conduct at small business enterprises
2has the skills to develop a work plan for small business accounting accounts and create accounting records based on it
3has skills in documenting business transactions
4has the skills to reflect accounting records for expenses on accounting of sources and conclusions of inventory and financial obligations of the organization
5He is able to apply various tax regimes in small and medium-sized enterprises;
6has the skills to compile condensed accounting financial statements of an organization - a small and medium-sized business entity
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The regulatory framework for the activities of small and medium-sized businesses
2Creation and liquidation of small and medium-sized businesses
3Licensing and certification of certain types of activities of small and medium-sized businesses
4Organization of accounting at small and medium-sized enterprises
5Accounting at small and medium-sized businesses
6The form of accounting using the accounting registers of property of small and medium-sized businesses
7Condensed accounting (financial) statements of small and medium-sized businesses
8Kazakistan mevzuat sisteminde bireysel girişimcilik
9Taxation of individual entrepreneurs
10Accounting procedure for business transactions of individual entrepreneurs
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Senatus de Imperio Reipublicae Kazakhstan datas 04 / 27 / 2022 No. 250 'de Approbatione A Conceptu progressionem parva et medium amplitudo conatibus In Reipublicae Kazakhstan 2030'
2Lex Reipublicae Kazakhstan datas 2007 No. 2732 'De Ratione Et Relatione Oeconomica'
3'Ratio In Usu' est acta Quartaria Domus Tabulariorum Centralis. Astana
4Prodanova, N. A. Ratio in parvis negotiis : artem pro universitatibus / Moscuae: Yurayt Editae Domus, 2023
5Inicio > el veterinario Informa
6Sultanova B. B. Rationem. Studium ductor. Universitas Kazakh. Almaty, 2019
7Nurmaganbetova A.Z. rationem bonorum currentium.. Studium ductor. Almaty, 2020