Foreign Philology (English Language)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SHAOM 5208 Contemporary Issues of Foreign Literature Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sakhitzhanova Zada

The subject teaches undergraduates about topical issues of foreign and English literature. While studying the subject, graduate students determine the evolution of the development of English literature, get acquainted with the works of famous writers at the transition of historical and cultural eras, and develop the skills of analysis by making translations of passages into the Kazakh language. It compares the actual problems of the world literary process with the expression of literary trends in national literature. Also, they learn different genres of foreign literature and get acquainted with world works.

Western epic tradition, Comparative novel, Romance in English literature.


1. Brainstorming, case-stage
2. Develop a teaching method, poster protection
3. creativity teaching methods
4. narration, exchange of opinions, discussion
5. project work method
6. method of improving professional skills
7. problem teaching method

11 - Can use modern analytical methods.
22 - Can analyze research results.
33 - Future masters will be able to correctly implement information processing methods.
44 - Get acquainted with the methodology and technology of modern methodology in the field of foreign literary studies and foreign philology.
55 - Can accurately implement business skills and abilities in the scope of solving professional and scientific problems.
66 - Able to increase responsibility in communication and professional cooperation in a multicultural, multi-ethical, multi-confessional society;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Modern foreign literature as a subject of studyАуызша
2Literature and society at the turn of XX and XXI centuriesАуызша
3Problems of modern English literature: literature in the UK and USAАуызша
4Main trends in the development literature at the turn of XX and XXI centuriesАуызша
5The works of prominent authors and their major works in historical contextАуызша
6The impact of the historical (political, social, religious, philosophical, literary and other) factors on the works of writersЖазбаша
7What is modern literary criticism?презентация
8What is modern literary magazine?Ауызша
9The metaphor of the city in modern literature Modern foreign literature as a subject of studyАуызша
10Ghosts and seers-receives. Messages from a next world.Ауызша
11The Metaphor Of The UnderworldАуызша
12Business people. Industrial novelАуызша
13Novel of EducationАуызша
14Classic reminiscences in the modern novel. Prequels, sequels, remakes.Ауызша
15Modern literature and the principles of political correctness and multiculturalismпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Upstone S. Literary theory: a complete introduction. – Hachette UK, 2017.
22. The Main Problems of Foreign Literature. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Челябинск,2016 Е.В.Челпанова
33. Curme G.O. Parts of Speech and Accidence, A Grammar of the English Language. USA, Copyright. By BC Heath and Company, 2012.