Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SEB 3292 Structure and evolution of the biosphere Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 2
Course Descriptions
Candidate of technical sciences, Professor A.T. Meyrbekov

Introduces modern views on the life layers of the Earth, the boundaries of the biosphere, the relationship between humanity and nature, the noosphere, the emergence of life on earth, the dynamics of environmental changes and the impact on the biosphere. The main features of the solar system of the planet earth can be used in their daily activities.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, poster protection, jigsaw method, teamwork, Case-study method

11-reflects the biosphere and its components;
22-explains trends in the biosphere;
33-gets acquainted with the evolution of the biosphere.
44-assesses environmental pollution;
55-forms knowledge about global biosphere issues and programs of international organizations;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Creation of biosphere concepts.Ауызша
3Earth's geospheres as part of the biosphereАуызша және жазбаша
4Pedosphere is a component of the biosphereАуызша және жазбаша
5Construction and composition of the landЖазбаша
6Formation of the biosphere.Жазбаша
7Evolution of the biospheretest
8Noosphere-a new stage of the biosphereпрезентация
9Circulation of substances in the biosphereСөздік
10The concept of living things in the biosphere, determining its global significance.Ауызша
11Environmental pollution and degradation of Natural Resources.Ауызша
12Climatic changes of the environmentЖазбаша
13Social and environmental issues in accordance with modern requirementsАуызша және жазбаша
14Global biosphere processesАуызша және жазбаша
15International organizations and programs on environmental issuestest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Abdraimova K. T., Shalabayeva g. S. structura et evolutio biosphaerii: Textus-Almaty 2016.
2Problemata originis et evolutionis biosphaerii: historia et factores evolutionis biosphaerii, LIBRI/Moscuae: KRASAND, 2013.Editio M. Galimov
3V. Vernadsky Biosphaerium et noosphaerium. Liber moscoviae: Iris Press, 2014.
4Alybayeva R. A. evolutio et evolutio biosphaerii: artem, Almaty: Universitas Kazakh, 2018.
5Structura et evolutio biosphaerii: dux scholasticus et emendatior / - Nizhnevartovsk: Nizhnevartovsk Editae Domus. humanitatis est. Unitas, 2018. Comp. O. N. Skorobogatova
6Nurseitov Sh. Sh. Giniyatova g. m. doctrinam elit a brevis lectio Cursum Evero, 2014, - 80B.
7M. S. Alinov. Ecologia et progressus sustinebilis: artem. Almaty: Bastau editae domus. -2012.
8Abdraimova K. T., Shalabaeva G. S. Structura et evolutio biosphaerii. Studium ductor. Almaty. - 2016http: / / rmbrk. kz/libri / 1163143
9Potapova a. E. doctrina biosphaerii: biodiversitas. Studere dux