Accounting and Audit
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SE4317 Tax accounting төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The discipline forms theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future specialists in the methodology and organization of tax accounting of income, expenses, profits. In the course of training, students independently learn to form a system of analytical registers of income, expenses, assets, business transactions for tax purposes and summarize the information accumulated in them; they have the skills to build tax accounting.

Problem solving, comparison analysis methodology, case study method, ex-tests, small group method

1form the main indicators of Tax Accounting, Master the skills of organizing and implementing tax accounting
2master modern methods of calculating, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting the results obtained, substantiating conclusions, methods of processing economic data arrays in accordance with the task
3critically analyze how organizational aspects, market factors and a number of other social, legal, ethical, economic, regulatory and political factors influence the choice and application of accounting methods in taxation.
4able to navigate the changing conditions of taxation policy, reflect them in accounting policy
5master the skills of independent application of legislative and regulatory legal acts in the field of tax accounting and reporting
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Tax accounting and its role in the accounting system
2Calculation of the annual total income of a legal entity
3Maintaining current accounting for the adjustment and formation of annual total income
4The procedure for calculating deductions from the total annual income of a legal entity
5Rules for accounting for fixed assets and calculating deductions on them
6Tax accounting on interest for loans received. Tax accounting of deductions for doubtful obligations and doubtful claims
7Tax accounting of deductions for deductions to the reserve fund
8Tax accounting of deductions for offsetting income of employees and expenses directed to the social sphere
9Tax accounting of damages
10Tax accounting of income of non-residents
11Features of tax accounting in the application of special tax regimes
12Procedure for drawing up tax reports (declarations) on corporate income tax
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Gabdullin N. I., kaliakparova g. S. tributum ratio: artem. Almaty, 2020
2Abaeva G. i. fundamenta tributum ratio. Institutio et methodica manualis. Kostanay, 2017
3B. J. Iekbayeva, A. K. Mustafina, D. S. Mukhiyaeva .Methodus calculandi vectigalia et alia praestationibus facienda in Republica Kazakhstan:.Studium ductor. Almaty 2020.
4Proskurina Vp, Denisenko m. V. declaratio universalis a fundamentis ad calculos. Almaty, 2023
5V. P. Proskurina .Ratio enim actiones ex sola proprietariis applicando plerumque statutum tributum regimen immutata est. Dux practicus. Almaty, 2021