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Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SAYA 2107 Political Science Екінші курс 2 60 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Amirbek A. A.

The purpose of the subject is to form a critical understanding of political systems, the fundamental basis of politics, political groups and institutions as a component of the interdisciplinary module of socio-political education. It provides understanding of domestic and foreign political processes.



Group work, critical thinking , developmental teaching methods, creativity teaching methods, narration, explanation, information giving, question and answer, tests, analysis of oral and written answers.

1To the goal directed active teaching ability can form and deliver.
2Individually and in groups can explain and write information management, digital technology dissemination process or ways.
3Can apply and express economic, entrepreneurial and decision-making skills in all areas.
4Understands the importance of spiritual values for the preservation and development of society and applies ethical standards of communication, acts with the ability to think critically, can communicate using historical data and principles.
5Knows the ecological knowledge of the living environment of the society, understands the importance of moral obligations, principles and culture of academic integrity, legal literacy, can speak in his own words in his work.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Political science as a science and academic discipline.
2The main stages of formation and development of political science
3Politics in the system of public life.
4Political power: meaning and mechanisms of implementation
5Political elite and political leadership.
6The political system of society
7State and civil society
8Political regimes
9Electoral systems and elections.
10Political parties and party systems, social and political movements
11Political culture, political behavior.
12Political consciousness and political ideologies
13Political development and modernization.
14Political tensions and crises
15World politics and modern international relations
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Political science. -Almaty: Public Fund 'National Translation Bureau', Textbook, 2020.-520 pages. Heywood Andrew
2Modern political systems and regimes. Educational tool. / D. E. Akbolat. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020
3Public policy. Politics, Analysis and Alternatives: A Textbook, /Michael E. Kraft, Scott R. Furlong.-Almaty: LLP RPBK 'Era', 2017.