Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SAPH 5214 Modern aspects of applied chemistry Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Sarbaуeva G.T.

The discipline of applied chemistry forms the ability to consider, analyze the main problems, directions and trends in the development of science, review the most important materials in accordance with the needs of modern industries. The course content is aimed at mastering the fundamental knowledge necessary to analyze objects, composition, structure and properties of chemical processes to substantiate their value within the framework of concepts and theories using modern research methods, processing experimental research data using statistical methods.



Working in a group


Technology of developmental learning

The case study

method is a Mini-research method

1Develops the skills of studying the structure, chemical transformation and properties of inorganic materials by modern methods through synthesis methods
2Determines the influence of composition, synthesis conditions on the properties of new materials
3Develops the ability to develop high-efficiency materials that are distinguished by a complex of new properties.
4Performs processing of the results obtained using statistical methods.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The purpose and objectives of the disciplinetest
2The student's competencies formed as a result of mastering the disciplineпрезентация
3Modern requirements for chemical productionСұрақ-жауап
4Chemistry and energy. Raw materials.Библиография
5Water in the chemical industryАуызша
6Thermal processing of solid fuelsЖазбаша
7Oil refining. Petroleum productsпрезентация
8Processing of natural combustible gasesАуызша және жазбаша
9Production of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.Жазбаша
10Production of acidsАуызша
11General information about metallurgy.Сұрақ-жауап
12Basic organic synthesis technologyБиблиография
13Processing of aromatic hydrocarbonstest
14High molecular weight compounds (MWС). General concepts of MWC chemistryЖазбаша
15Applications of high molecular weight compounds.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Gavva N.F., Jýmanazarova G.M., Mantler S.N. Fızıkalyq-hımıalyq taldaýdyń ádisteri: Oqý quraly. 2018.
2Argımbaeva A.M. Taldaýdyń fızıka-hımıalyq ádisteri. 2-bas.: oqý quraly. 2018.
3Kúrdeli ferrıtter, manganıtter, vısmýtıtterdiń sıntezi jáne fızıka-hımıalyq qasıetterin zertteý: Monografıa. Mataev M.M, Abdraımova M.R., Týrsınova J.I., Kezdıkbaeva A.T. - Almaty :Qazan, 2017. - 264 b.
4Ospanova J.B, Mýsabekov K.B., Kerımkýlova M.J. Kóbikter men aerozelderdiń fızıka-hımıasy: Oqý-ádistemelik quraly. - Almaty: Qazaq ýn-ti, 2016. - 64 b.
5Qalabaeva M.Q. Beıorganıkalyq zattardyń hımıalyq tehnologıasy: Oqý quraly. - Almaty: Qazaq ýnıversıteti, 2016
6Kojına l. F. ótpeli metal qosylystarynyń Beıorganıkalyq kempirqosaǵy. 'Pedagogıkalyq bilim' baǵytyndaǵy stýdentterge arnalǵan oqý-ádistemelik qural 'Hımıa' profıli. Elektrondyq resýrs. Saratov - 2019.