Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RE 3213 Russian Literature IV Үшінші курс 4 120 4 0 0
Course Descriptions

formation of knowledge about the three main periods of the development of Russian literature in the second half of the XIX century. The discipline is aimed at studying artistic works of the period of the 1850s-60s, 1870s and the period of the 1880s-90s. As a result of studying the discipline, students will be able to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the works of writers of the specified period from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre features, plot and compositional features, style and poetics.

Russian Literature V

Russian Literature III

oral (conversation, discussion), pair work, blitz questions, case study, developmental learning methods, creative learning methods, use of IT technology, group work, problem-based learning, creative method (essay), glossary, presentation, business games, associogram, bibliography, test, written method.

1defines the directions and patterns of development of Russian literature of the 19th century (II floor), the main stages of the literary process of the Golden Age era, owns modern research tools and various ways of translating knowledge of the basic concepts of literary criticism;
2conducts a comprehensive analysis of literary works of Russian literature of the 19th century (II floor) from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre features, plot and compositional features, style and poetics;
3ROD 3 has the skills of comparative analysis of texts of artistic works of the 19th century (IIpol);
4demonstrates knowledge about the history of the formation and development of the main provisions of the modern Russian language, general linguistics, Russian and foreign literature, literary theory and literary criticism, linguistic norms and philological analysis of literary text
5demonstrates knowledge of the formation and development of the main provisions of literary criticism;
6helps to express one's own opinion and assist in the analysis of artistic details and author's techniques.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11 The main ideas of A.A.Fet's lyrics. Philosophy and the image of the landscape in the poetry of Feta.
22 F.I. Tyutchev is a singer of love and nature. The main motives of Tyutchev's lyrics are: a) philosophical; b) landscape; c) love.Библиография
33 N.A. Nekrasov is a poet and a citizen. Singer of the 'Epic of Peasant Life'. The main motives of Nekrasov's lyrics.Ауызша
44 A.N. Ostrovsky is the first dramatic writer. 'Thunderstorm', 'Penniless' as an exposure of social and everyday principles.Article
55 Personality and creative biography of I.S. Turgenev. 'Asya' is a genre of love lyrics in the works of I.S. Turgenev.
66 'The Day Before', 'Rudin' - the philosophical and artistic originality of the works. Images of the main characters.Ауызша
77 The role of I.A. Goncharov in the history of Russian literature. Psychological novel by I.A. Goncharov 'Oblomov'.Ауызша
88 Literary creativity of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The philosophical meaning and grotesque of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales 'The Wise Minnow', 'The Wild Landowner'.Ауызша
99 The life and work of the writer. Philosophical views of the writer: The Brothers Karamazov. The creation of great philosophical novels.
1010 'Crime and punishment'. The characters and plot of the novel. The meaning of Raskolnikov's theory and its refutation. The Christian idea in the novel. From the theory of literature: nationality, humanism, psychology of literature.Ауызша
1111 Biography and creative path of Tolstoy. Philosophical views of the writer. Tolstoy's great novels: Anna Karenina, Resurrection.Article
1212 Epic novel 'War and Peace'. Tolstoy and people. Two storylines of the novel. 'People's Thought' in the novel. The main characters of the novel, their inner world. From the theory of literature: an epic.Ауызша
1313 The artistic world of N.S. Leskov. 'Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district'. The creative story of the story: the theme of love and crime, composition and plot. 'Two Katerina' (based on the drama by A.N.Ostrovsky 'The Thunderstorm' and N.S.Leskov's essay 'Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District')Ауызша
1414 Essay on life and creativity. Early stories by A. Chekhov. The theme of the “little man'. The late stories of A. Chekhov. “The Man in the case.”Ауызша
1515 Chekhov's innovation as a playwright. 'Cherry the garden.' - From the theory of literature: 1) dramatic genres (drama, comedy, tragedy); 2) irony.Ауызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. The history of Russian literature of 1840-1860. Textbook. V.A. Nedzvetskiy. M., Yurayt, 2023
22. Baituova A.N. Russian literature of the XIX century. Turkestan, 2020.
33. The history of Russian literature of the XIX century. 4300-4330s: in 2 hours.' Edited by V.N.Anoshkina, L.D.Gromova. - M., 2011.
44. The history of Russian literature X1Xv. 4340-60s'. Edited by V.N.Anoshkina, L.D.Gromova. - M., 2011.
55. History of Russian literature X1Hv. Part 1 (1795-4330)'. Edited by V.I.Korovin – M., 2013.
66. Russian classical novel X1X v: Problems of poetics and typology of the genre. – M., 2012.
77. A.N.Bezrukov. Russian literature of the XIX century. (second half). Bashgu, 2018
88. V.Ya.Links. History of Russian Literature (2nd half of the 19th century). Moscow, 2018,
99.A.B.Yesin. Russian literature in assessments, judgments, disputes. Anthology of literary and critical texts. Moscow. Flint Publishing House.2023.
1010. N.I.Yakushin. Russian literature of the XIX century (the first half). Comprehensive educational and methodical manual. DirectMedia. Moscow.Berlin.2020.
1111. V.Domansky, Olga Kafanova. The artistic worlds of Ivan Turgenev. Ed. 'Flint'.2020.