Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
QZhT / KGT2203 History of Kazakh journalism Екінші курс 5 150 2 2
Course Descriptions
Baeshova Balzia

The purpose of the discipline is to review the "aktandak" aspects of the past history of Kazakh journalism, to provide information about publications that were once slandered. During the training, the written heritage of the Kazakh people will enter the scientific circulation in the educational process and will be aimed at providing a favorable opportunity for our historical differentiation.

Business journalsitics

Convergent Journalism

zh-written work, A. s-oral request, A. G-oral-written, e-essay, P-presentation, d-glossary, sh-creative

1LO4-acts on the development of a professional network by working with sources of information and is able to learn about events on social networks.
2LO5-knowledge of the rules and norms of modern literary languages necessary for the preparation of the material, knowledge of the stylistics of various journalistic genres that motivate readers (viewers, listeners) to draw their own conclusions, forms the use and development of an individual writing style.
3LO6-forms constant communication with state bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, citizens, and other mass media. -Determines the tasks and methods of journalistic publications, learns the technology and techniques, their content and structural-compositional features.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The source of national journalism is the Kazakh Periodical Press of the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries
2«Түркістан уалаятының газеті», «Дала уалаятының газеті», «Фикир» газеті 1905-1907, 1910-1914 жылдардағы қазақ баспасөзі «Айқап» журналы және оның идеялық бағыты. «Қазақ» газеті, қолжазба «Садақ» журналы
3Kazakh Press in 1905-1907, 1910-1914
4The magazine 'aikap' and its ideological orientation. Newspaper 'Kazakh', manuscript magazine 'bow'
5«Сарыарқа», «Бірлік туы», «Жас азамат» газеттері. «Алаш», «Ұран» газеттері және «Абай» қоғамдық-саяси және әдеби журналы Қазақстандағы алғашқы кеңес басылымдары. Қазақ ССР-і құрылуы кезіндегі өлкелік мерзімді баспасөз (1919-1920), 1921-1229 жылдар аралығындағы қазақ баспасөзі
6The first Soviet publications in Kazakhstan.
7Regional Periodical Press during the formation of the Kazakh SSR (1919-1920), Kazakh press from 1921 to 1229
8Kazakhstan Periodical Press during the period of restoration after the' little October ' years
9Periodical Press of Kazakhstan during the years of mass repression and the Second World War (1931-1941)
10Periodical Press of Kazakhstan during the years of mass repression and the Second World War (1931-1941)
11Press during the years of restoration of the national economy, the fight against nationalist Saryn and virgin land
12The 'deployment of Communist construction' in the former Soviet state, or the press during the years of stagnation (1960-1980)
13Kazakh press from perestroika to transition period
14Publications of various political parties and movements in Kazakhstan (1985-1991)
15Modern Kazakh press
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Literature: Main literature: 1. history of Kazakh television: textbook, Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018 Kabylgazina K. 2. regional term paper and national idea. Training manual. - Almaty: Kazakh university, 2015. Sadykov S., Chingisova N. 3.History of Kazakh journalism:a teaching post. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018 Mukasheva.M. 4. Moldabekov.B. A. the skill of a television editor (rediactment of a literary text) :a manual. Almaty:Kazakh university,2017 5. Abdyzhadilovna zh. TV Journalism: a manual. Almaty:Kazakh University, 2018 6. Kabylgazy K. TV and Radio Journalism: theory, tazhribe, summary: textbook Almaty:Kazakh university,2017 7. Kabylgazina K. history of Kazakh television: a textbook. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018. 8. Omashev, N. fundamentals of Radio Journalism. Training manual [text] / N. Omashev. - Almaty: [B. I.], 2015 . - 356 P. 9. Barlybayeva.S. TV And radio journalism. Almaty.2019. Qazaq University
2Қосымша әдебиеттер: 1. Публицистика поэтикасы. Монография. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2015. Сердәлі Б. 2. Практическая журналистика 3.0 в Казахстане. Алматы, 2017 3. Медеубекұлы, С. Журналистік шеберлік: таным мен талғам. Хрестоматия. [Текст]. 2 Том / С. Медеубекұлы. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2018. - 500 с. 4. Әбілдина, Ғ. Ақпараттық бағдарламаның(жаңалық) жасалуы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал [Текст] / Ғ. Әбілдина. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 80 с. 5. Қазақстандағы практикалық журналистика 3.0. Алматы, 2017ж.