Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
QZh2207 Legal journalism Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Beldibekova Aliya

The purpose of the subject is to form the journalist's ability to be guided by existing laws in the course of his daily creative work. The law applies in the process of gathering information, writing it, arranging it and publishing journalistic works. In the course of teaching the subject, students are introduced to laws and international documents guided by journalists, aimed at forming skills to work within the framework of the law.

Media ethics

Introduction to Journalism

Team work, a method of improving professional skills.

1PON 1 - can communicate in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-confessional society, shows pedagogical cooperation and tolerance; PON 2 - implements modern law, diagnostic methods (skills) in accordance with the manual
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Constitution of Kazakhstan and law on media.
2General principles and bases of legislation on access to information in Kazakhstan
3Interaction of the judicial system with the media: press service of the courts; judges coordinating media work; The concept of interaction between courts and mass media.
4Media registration procedure and principles
5The main sources that a journalist works with when writing an article on a legal topic. Terms.
6Broadcasting of court proceedings
8Procedure and principles of mass media blocking
9Principles of writing on the topic of law
10Criminal theme and investigative journalism
11Writing on a Legal Topic: An Ethical Aspect
12Hate speech
13Dissemination of conflict information
14Media advertising
15Legislative ethical norms of journalist activity. Conclusion.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Ошанова.О.Ж. БАҚ заңнамасы және этика: оқу құралы. Алматы:Қазақ университеті, 2020. 2. Медиа этика. Жас мамандардың тәжірибесінен. Оқу құралы. – Алматы, 2018 Ли Энн Пэк, Гай С.Рил. 2-басылым. 3. «Правовой справочник журналиста» Астана: 2021 год. 4. «Журналистің құқықтық анықтамалығы». Астана: 2021 жыл. 5. IbrayevaG. The coverage of the International Military Conflicts in Mass Media and the International Humanitarian Law: educational manual. Almaty: Qazaq university.2018