Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
QMAPOSAG 6307 Quality Management and Protection of Surface and Groundwater Екінші курс 6 180 1 3 -
Course Descriptions
Abdumutalip Nurlybek Abdumutalipuly

The purpose of the discipline: to form the skills of using integrated approaches to the development of surface and groundwater resources, water resources management and water use, conservation and provision of fresh water reserves. Uses knowledge on protection and integrated management of water resources, sustainability of aquatic ecosystems, modern changes in natural and anthropogenic conditions, improvement of water management systems. The course uses methods and techniques to reduce the negative impact on water resources.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

1independently explains the composition, properties, characteristics of water sources of the Earth
2creates a relationship between the effects on the quality of water sources.
3.sets itself the goal of studying the indicators that determine the quality of aquatic ecosystems.
4uses methods that determine the quality of water ecosystems
5organizes mechanisms for managing the quality of Water Resources of the Earth.
6evaluates the quality of surface and underground water for compliance with accepted legal documents
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General characteristics of water reserves. Water resources of Kazakhstan.Ауызша және жазбаша
2Surface water quality. Biochemical oxygen consumptionАуызша және жазбаша
3Water quality in lakes and water storage facilitiesЖазбаша
4Groundwater. Groundwater flow controltest
5Technology of increasing the fertility of groundwaterСөздік
6Groundwater system from the point of view of the economy of KazakhstanАуызша және жазбаша
7Hydrophysics, Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology of the Aral Seatest
8The main water basins of Kazakhstan. Balkhash-Alakol Basin. Irtysh Basin.Сөздік
9Pollution of water reserves. Water purification methodsАуызша және жазбаша
10Water features ecosystem services benefitstest
11Optimization of Water Resource Systems. Sampling strategiesАуызша
12Features and factors of freshwater habitats. Characteristics of freshwater ecosystems.презентация
13Features and factors of the marine environment. Description of marine ecosystemsЖазбаша
14Scientific problems of protecting aquatic and terrestrial ecosystemsпрезентация
15Problems of cross-border cooperationtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Қазақстанда су ресурстарын бірлесіп басқару / Б. С. Мейер, Л. Ланди, Р. Н. Нұрділлаева. - Алматы : Қазақ университеті, 2016. - 336 с.
22. Жасыл экономика негіздері М.Ш.Әлинов. –Алматы.-2016. -352бет
33.Экологиялық инженерия негіздері. ІІ том Алматы-2017 548 бет, Ағылшын тілінен ауд. Джильберт М, Мастерс, Венделл П.Эпа
44. Су экожүйелерініңмониторингісі. Әбдімүтәліп Н.Ә., Тойчибекова Г.Б.-Түркістан, 2016ж-200б
55.Оценка риска техногенного влияния на население Казахстанской части Прикаспия. Коллективная монография, Отв. ред.: Бекманов Б.О. Алматы-2017, 184-бет,
66.Экосистемы районов уранопереработки. Р. Т. Бржанов, Л. И. Софронова. Монография. Алматы: Techmith, 2022-144 бет
77.Табиғи қорлар және оларды тиімді пайдалану. Мейрбеков А.Т.Электронды оқулық. Түркістан, 2015