Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PZH 3332 Practical journalism Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Baeshova Balzia

The purpose of the discipline is to help future journalists fully master the work of a press secretary. Receives the necessary information for the formation of the image, reputation of the institution, the ability of a modern press secretary to become a strategically strong politician as a good specialist. The discipline is aimed at thorough, responsible performance of his work, mastering the management approach as a press secretary, with a focus on the execution of official, unofficial documents, negotiations, informing the media, conversations with officials.

Skill in collecting and writing information

Convergent Journalism

zh-written work, A. s-oral request, A. G-oral-written, e-essay, P-presentation, d-glossary, sh-creative

1LO10-interpretation and publication of information in an accessible form for the target audience objectively, without allowing distortion. - Establish contacts with newsmakers and participants of events, witnesses, other relevant sources of information, collect data, visit the scene and organize live coverage of events. - Prepares and learns broadcasts of various genres (TV, radio, internet when working on the air), works with audio (video) equipment.
2LO11-uses knowledge to analyze important documents, printed materials and news agencies - Is able to attract well-known representatives of public professions (political scientists, sociologists, scientists and other competent persons) to the review.
3ОН12-Пайдаланылатын ақпараттың шынайылығы мен өзектілігін тексеріп, жазады. -Контентті оңтайландыру үшін дайындалған (оның ішінде жеке) материалдарды (сценарийлерді) бейімдеу/редакциялауды орындайды. - Әдеби шығармаларды сценарийге қайта өңдеу, бағдарламалар мен көрсетілімдердің сценарийін жазып көрсетеді
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Written presentation work on the genres of journalismtest
2Practice writing newstest
3Fiche, news Fiche hazip exercisetest
4Practice writing a reporttest
5Game-lesson on the art of asking questionstest
6Practice writing a comentariumtest
7Portraiture exercisestest
8Exercise by writing a title, lead, knottest
9Exercise by choosing a topictest
10Working with the language of the journalist's texttest
11Acquaintance with the methods and techniques of the work of a journalisttest
12Game-lesson on the psychology of the work of a journalisttest
13Work of the Department editor developmenttest
14Creating editorial management monitoringtest
15Working with the content of the publicationtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Әдебиеттер: Негізгі әдебиеттер: 1. Практикалық журналистика. Оқу құралы/ -Түркістан, 2020. Сердәлі Б. 2. Практическая журналистика. Оқу құралы. – Астана, 2017. Горохавский А. 3. Журналистің жұлдызды сәттері (Journalist’s Primetime). Оқу құралы. – Алматы: Алаш жолы, 2013. Байырбек Н. 4. Практическая журналистика. Учебное пособие. – М., 2015. Колесниченко А. 5. Талдамалы журналистика. Алматы, 2012. Қамзин К. 6. Современные средства массовой коммуникации казахстана в эру глобализации. Алматы, 2012. Барлыбаева С. 7. Журналистика негіздері. Алматы, 2012. Қамзин К. 8. PR теориясы мен практикасы. Алматы, 2015. Шыңғысова Н. 9. Журнaлистің мәтін жaзу мaшығы. Алматы, 2018. Жақсылықбаева Р.
2Additional: 1. Practical Journalism. Educational and methodical manual. - Turkestan, 2020 Serdali B. 2. practical journalism in Kazakhstan. Educational and methodical manual. - Astana, 2017 Zhalilov A. 3.poetics of Journalism. Monograph. - Almaty: Kazakh university, 2015. Serdali B. 4. analytical journalism. Metodich.'yes,' he said. - Almaty, 2012 5. Nurgozhina Sh.