Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PT 1251 Programming Technology Бірінші курс 8 240 1 4 3
Course Descriptions
associate professor M.A. Zh.S.Ismagulova

Skills are acquired to teach the basics of Programming, Data Structures and the creation of algorithms. In addition, the syntax and application features of the Python language, the creation of software in c++, working with complex structured data types, sorting and search algorithms and its practical application will be taught. The skills of creating various Data Structures, Algorithms, flowcharts, choosing types of variables for solving practical problems, using and comparing various methods for solving problems are mastered.

Object-Oriented Programming


IT method, group project work method, mini research method.

1Complies with information security requirements in programming.
2Creates applications using programming tools.
3Classifies data types in modern programming languages.
4Can create 4-Basic algorithmic constructions.
5Uses a standard and optional library set in programming.
6Builds orientations in the integration environment in the selected programming language.
7Can create applications by programming graphical interfaces.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Programming languages, syntax and application features of the language launch of the program execution environment, data types. Mathematical functions. Data input, processing, and output functions.
2Designing programs, applying operations to arithmetic expressions. phrase Data, comments, variables, numerical types.
3Branched structure in Python. Conditional operator. If-else guide. Plural branching. If-elif-else manual.
4Cyclic operators of the Python language. Loop for. Range function. While cycle guide. Break operator. Loop inside the loop.
5Strings (string). Work with roads, operations performed with them.
6Lists. Operations performed with lists. List constructor (). Compare lists. Methods and functions of working with lists.
7Work with sets. (Set, frozenset) operations applied to set elements.
8Dictionaries and collections. Create a dictionary, extract elements from it, enable, disable, and change the data type in the dictionary mixing, dictionary methods, sets work with dictionaries (dict). Pair 'key-value'.
9About the functions and procedures . Parameters and arguments of the function. Local and global variables.
10Working with arrays. Declare one-and two-dimensional arrays. Access to an array element, indexes, sorting algorithms, and methods.
11Files.Input/output of information from the file, ways to access the file, opening, reading and writing the file, concatenation.
12Introduction to the crossplatform integrated environment of PyCharm IDE (Community).
13Programming graphical user interfaces, extracting text, and receiving input data. Development of applications with a graphical interface. Python standard libraries: Tkinter and Turtle.
14Get acquainted with additional Python libraries. PyGame and PyQt.
15Introduction to the Django framework. Installation and tuning. Ways to create the first applications.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Бағдарламалау технологиясы: -Алматы 2021 Оқу құралы К. А. Искакова
2Python бағдарламалау тілі: -Алматы 2019 Оқу құралы А. С. Бекенова
3Python бағдарламалау тілі. -Алматы 2022 Оқу құралы К. М. Беркимбаев, Г. Ж. Ниязова [и др.]
4Python тілінде программалау негіздері. -Алматы 2022 Оқу құралы Г. З. Халықов, С. Н. Идрисов , Н. Т. Маликова, Г. Азат
5Введение в программирование на языке PYTHON. Учебник: -Алматы 2020 Н. Т. Ермеков, Б. Е. Таржибаева