Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PP 6310 Philosophy of physics Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Kurbanbekov Bakytzhan Alimkhanovich

Formulates the main stages of the development of physics, modern concepts of Natural Science, the main provisions of classical, non-classical and postclassical physics, basic concepts of physics; evaluates various methods of scientific and philosophical research, generalizes and uses them in professional activities; analyzes texts on philosophical problems of physics; organizes work with reference and periodic literature on modern concepts of natural science; develops the terminological apparatus of the discipline, prepares the text of speech in front of the audience.

Registration and defense of a master's thesis

History and philosophy of science

Brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, creative learning methods, narrative, exchange of views, discussion, project work method, professional skills improvement method, problem-based learning method

1Analyzes the main problems and trends in the development of the history and philosophy of science ;
2Effectively organizes educational activities at the University, demonstrating leadership and leadership activities and skills in the professional field.
3Analyzes the main stages of the development of Physical Science, rules, modern concepts of Natural Science, various methods of philosophical research.
4Based on the basics of knowledge in the course of general physics, phenomena and laws in physics, assesses the effectiveness of modern technologies.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Physical picture of the worldпрезентацияArticle
22. Mechanical and electromagnetic picture of the worldпрезентацияArticle
33. Structural levels of Organization of matter. Matter and fieldпрезентацияArticle
44. Classification of elementary particlesпрезентацияArticle
55. Philosophy of Science Science as a special form of knowledge of realityпрезентацияArticle
66. Physics. The era of the emergence of individual physical teachings.презентацияArticle
77. The relationship of modern physics with tochnika and other natural sciences.презентацияArticle
88. Science and scientific knowledge 1. science is a way to know the truthпрезентацияArticle
99. 2. Science and its role in society 3. scientific theory 4. philosophy and scienceпрезентацияArticle
1010. Aristotle Western philosophy. 1. Life of ancient philosophy 1.1. collections of Aristotle's worksпрезентацияArticle
1111. Abu Nasir, Al-Farabi Birth, death and career 1. place of Birth 2. Learning PathпрезентацияArticle
1212. 3. creative path 4. Universal-musician 5. contribution to the Medecina 6. stages of achievement of scientist's heritageпрезентацияArticle
1313. Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Tarkhan Ibn Uzlag Al-FarabiпрезентацияArticle
1414. Abu Ali Ibn Sina Birth, death and careerпрезентацияArticle
1515. 1. place of Birth 2. Learning Path 3. Creative path 4. Contribution to MedicineпрезентацияArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Ғылым философиясы мен тарихы. Лекциялық жинақ.. 2015. Г.А. Шадинова.
22. Заманауи физика. Оқу құралы. 2014. К. С. Крэйн, Н. А. Маженов, Ж. Т. Камбарова.
33. Фейнмановские лекции по физике. Том II. Излучение. Волны. Кванты. Кинетика. Теплота. Звук. Р. Ф. Фейнман, М. Сэндс, Р. Б. Лейтон. 2021
44. Университет физикасы және заманауи физика. Оқу құралы. -2017. Хью Д.Янг, Роджер А. Фридман