Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PDS 1204 Introduction to Academic Writing Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshenova T.

The discipline forms the skills and abilities necessary for the optimal writing of academic papers of various categories (essay, report, etc). The discipline explains to students the genre, grammatical, stylistic and punctuation features of written speech, teaches unmistakable methods of writing academic written works. Forms skills in using world databases and online systems of scientific journals in the development of academic records. The course teaches methods of error-free writing of academic written works. Develops skills in using global databases and online systems of scientific journals.

Phonetics and Lexicology of the Modern Kazakh Language

Introduction to Linguistics and Applied Kazakh Language 

1. Teamwork;
2. blitz questions;
3. critical thinking, brainstorming
4. case study.
5. the method of developing learning;
6. poster protection;
7. creativity teaching methods;
8. problem method;
9. modular learning technology;

11. Masters the main features of academic scientific records, research methods;
22. Applies the principles and culture of academic integrity;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. week Theoretical Introduction. The discipline ' Introduction to academic writing ' and its specifics are practicalАуызша
22. week Theoretical Academic readingАуызша
33. week Theoretical Mini-essay and its typesАуызша
44. week Theoretical Academic subscription processАуызша
55. week Theoretical Paragraph and its structure, types.Ауызша
66. week Theoretical The use of the author's thought and other works in academic worksАуызша
77. week Theoretical Thesis, research question and hypothesis.test
88. week Theoretical Plagiarism and ways to avoid itАуызша
99. week Theoretical Writing a literature review sectionАуызша
1010. week Theoretical Writing the section methodology of research work.Ауызша
1111. week Theoretical Sections of the academic text: introduction and main part.Ауызша
1212. week Theoretical Sections of the academic text: conclusion and resume writing.Ауызша
1313. week Theoretical Analysis and description of data in research work.Ауызша
1414. week Theoretical Registration of scientific papers and work with errors.test
1515. week Theoretical Presentation.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Оспан Е. Академиялық жазылым негіздері. - Алматы : Білік, 2020. - 340 б.
2Динаева Б.Б., Сапина С.М. Академиялық сауаттылықтың теориялық және практикалық негіздері. Оқу құралы. 2020, 120-б.
3Оспан Е. Академическое письмо: основы написания исследовательской работы. Учебное пособие - Алматы :Білік. 2020. - 340 с.