Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OZh 3208 Operating Systems Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD N.M.Zhunissov

The main goal of this discipline is to show the advantages of the correct use of operating systems when working in any industry, as well as to learn how to work effectively with many highly capable programs, to increase their high-level capabilities with frequent use in practice.

Architecture management of computer systems

Information and communication technologies

Narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Explains to students information about the operational system and the laws of development.
2Independently analyzes the technologies and ways of training information technical means.
3Summarizes knowledge about the features of teaching technologies and ways when planning and conducting classes.
4Knows the features of the development of operational system applications.
5Discipline is able to model the interaction of objects, classes in the system, form concepts and skills.
6Can determine the methods of processing, transmitting, storing operational systems,use methods and tools.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of an operating system (OS). The purpose of the operating system. Functions of operating systems.
2Classification of operating systems. Characteristics of different OS.
3Principles of the structure and construction of operating systems. Monolithic kernel, micro-nuclear approach, hybrid kernel. The modular structure of the OS.
4Principles of the structure and construction of operating systems. Monolithic kernel, micro-nuclear approach, hybrid kernel. The modular structure of the OS.
5Memory management. OS functions for memory management. Logical and physical Organization of memory. Swapping and virtual memory. Segment, page, segment-page approach to organizing memory. The principle of data caching.
6Input output control.OS tasks for Input Output Management. Functions of the main input output subsystem. Device drivers
7File management subsystem. File names. Logical organization of the file. Physical Organization of the file. File systems (FAT, NTFS). File types. File structure. Access to files. File attributes. Catalogs. The right to access files and directories.
8Windows architecture.Windows executive system. Windows kernel. Structure of the register. Using the Registry Editor.
9The architecture of the Linux operating system.The main distributions. The main functions and components of the Linux kernel. Installed and external commands. Command arguments, I / O.
10Start and stop the system.Reboot. Initial download. Initial download stages. Ways to restart and disable the system.
11Linux file system. The concept of the file system. The names of files and directories. Installation and extraction of the file system. Organization of the file system. File types. File attributes.
12The concept of attachment points and their application. Creating partitions on hard drives(HDD, SDD). LVM volume management system. Creating (formatting) file systems and mounting logical volumes.
13Processes in Linux. Process life cycle. Signals. Process status. Process management with PS, TOP commands. Process and service management commands.
14Report notes in Linux. User IDs. Permission rights. Files/etc /passwd,/etc /shadow and/etc / group password set. Delete users. Delete report entries.
15Configuring Linux OS hardware and software. Connecting and configuring hardware devices. Installing and updating software packages. Start and configure Windows.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Операциялық жүйелер Linux/Unix. Оқу құралы. Т. Қ. Қойшиева, М. Т. Қабулова.2019
2UNIX желілік бағдарламлау. 2016. Алматы. В. Р. Стивенс
3Operating System Tutorial. TUTORIALS POINT Simply Easy Learning by 2016.
4Лабораторный практикум по курсу 'Операционные системы'. Нижний Новгород 2014. Учебно-методическое пособие. Линев А.В., Свистунов А.Н.
5Operating System Tutorial. TUTORIALS 2016.