Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OTST 3220 Fundamentals of The Automatic Design System Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Kasymbekov Abbazbek Sugirovich

The subject observes the principles of designing automation systems on the basis of automatic design systems, as a result of which automation of documentation, information provision and decision-making process automation, designs parallel systems. Designs technologies, design solutions and design processes, design solutions, strategic systems, resulting in the replacement of full-scale tests and solving problems of prototypes with mathematical modeling. Controls design management quality, design and optimization methods.

Modeling of technological processes


Narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Knowing the working principle of automatic design system (ADS).
2Knowing the methods of automatic drawing creation.
3Knowledge of geometric modeling methods.
4Knowledge of graphic programming systems / principle of operation.
5Learning to set/solve geometric modeling problems.
6Modeling of 2D objects in the AutoCAD environment.
7Modeling of 3D objects in the AutoCAD environment.
8Modeling in practice using the finite element method (FEM/ FEM).
9Learning how to optimize drawings.
10Selection / evaluation of the CSI for a given object.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to automatic design systems (CAD / CAD): basic concepts, principles, classification.
2Content of the CDS: hardware content + software content.
3Graphic programming.
4Automatic drawing system.
5Geometric modeling: Euler operators.
6Editing curves 2D: equations, cone / ellipse / hyperbola / Hermite curve.
7Edit curves 2D: Bezier curve / Spline / Interpolation.
8Processing of spaces in 3D: equations, bilinear space / Bezier space.
9Spatial manipulation 3D: B-spline space / Intepol. space / Intersection of spaces.
10Finite Element Method (FEM): Calculation.
11Finite element method (FEM): Modeling of elements.
12Finite element method (FEM): Automatic grid generation.
13Optimization: reporting, constraints.
14Optimization: problem solving.
15Structure optimization
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Ли К. Основы САПР (CAD/CAM/CAE). СПб. – Питер, 2004. – 560 с.: ил.
2Бабенко М.И., Лобяк А.В. AutoCAD. Самоучитель: Учебный курс. 4-изд., 2010, 344 с. ил.
3Tebis CAD/CAM technologies for efficient and safe manufacturing processes: Tebis CAD/CAM product catalog. – Tebis AG, Germany, 2010.